Family Tropiduchidae Stal, 1866: 186
The family Tropiduchidae was first monographed by Melichar (1914). Melichar recognized 6 tribes, Hiraciini Melichar 1914 (now invalid, as Hiracia Walker is an Issid, see Fennah 1982), Paricanini Melichar 1914, Peggiogini Melichar, 1914 (which eventually was subsumed under Tropiduchini), Tambiniini Kirkaldy, 1907, Tropiduchini Stal, 1866, and Trypetimorphini Melichar, 1914. Melichar included 3 subtribes in the Tropiduchidini (all called subtribes, but terminating in -ini) – Catulliini Melichar, 1914; Alcestini Melichar, 1914 (as Alcestisini); Tangiini Melichar, 1914 – all of which were eventually raised to tribal status. Kirkaldy (1907) had previously described Tambiniini , although he treated Tropiduchidae as part of the Lophopidae.
Muir (1930) treated Tropiduchidae similar to Melichar (1930), but treated Catulliini Melichar, 1914 and Alcestini Melichar, 1914 as tribes, as follows:
Fennah (1945) treated the Tambiniini as a subfamily and erected the Cyphoceratopini Fennah, 1945 to house a collection of West Indian Tropiduchidae. Metcalf (1954) gave the classification of Tropiduchidae as follows:
Fennah (1982) outlined the modern classification, which differed in its placement of genera among tribes from his earlier works. No subfamilies were specified, but are assumed to be the same as those adopted by Muir (1930) and Metcalf (1954). Also, genera not explicitly placed by Fennah (1982) (or subsequent authors) assumed to be placed as treated by Metcalf (1954). Hiraciini Melichar 1914: 8, 55, 123, 143 is not valid as Hiracia Walker, 1857 was transferred to Issidae by Fennah (1982).
Gnezdilov (2013) revised the higher classification of Tropiduchidae to include typical tropiduchids (Tropiduchinae, incluuding Trienopinae and Tambiniinae) , and issid-like Tropiduchids (Elicinae), which were transferred from several families (Issidae, Nogodinidae, Acanaloniidae) and whose habitus was not like that of traditional Tropiduchidae. Elicinae includes the Elicini, transferred from the Nogodinidae, and the Fossil tribes Austrini and Patollini. Gnezdilov (2013) synonymized the Nearctic tribe Gaetuliini (from the Nogodinidae) with the mainly African Elicini. Additionally, Gnezdilov (2013) described Chrysopuchini (in the Tropiduchinae), to house the new species Chrysopuchus nigrolineatusrom from Madagascar, and Parathisciini (in the Elicinae) to house the acanaloniid-like genera from Africa (viz. Parathiscia, Hemithiscia, Paraphilatis and Pseudothiscia).
Since that time, the fossil tribe Emilianini was described by Shcherbakov, 2006 (in the Tropiduchinae). The tribes Bucini, by Gnezdilov et al. (2016), and Gedanotropidini, by Szwedo & Stroinski (2017), were described in the Elicinae.
Family Tropiduchidae Stal, 1866: 186 (as subfamily)
Subfamily Elicinae Melichar, 1915, status by Gnezdilov 2013 (to Tropiduchidae from Nogodinidae by Gnezdilov 2013)
Tribe Austrini† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2010
Austris† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2010
Tribe Bucini Gnezdilov, Bartlett & Bourgoin, 2016
Buca Walker, 1858
Tribe Elicaini Melichar, 1915: 379 (incorrect original spelling), corrected to Elicini Melichar, 1915 by Fennah 1978: 118). Type genus: Elica Walker, 1857.
= Subtribe Gaetuliina Fennah, 1978: 118 (type genus: Gaetulia Stal, 1864); status (tribe) by Gnezdilov 2007: 295.
=Tribe Gaetuliini Fennah 1978 (described in Nogodinidae; to Tropiduchidae with Trienopinae by Gnezdilov 2007); synonym of Elicini Melichar, 1915 by Gnezdilov 2013: 184)
Subtribe Elicina Melichar 1915: 379
Afroelfus Gnezdilov, 2012 (1 species, Africa)
Alleloplasis Waterhouse, 1839
Bambomada Gnezdilov & Bourgoin, 2015
Bolitropis Gnezdilov & Bourgoin, 2015
Busas Jacobi, 1909
Conna Walker, 1857
Connelicita Wang & Bourgoin, 2015
Elica Walker, 1857
Exphora Signoret, 1860 (= Siopa Jacobi, 1917 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Siopaphora Metcalf, 1952: 227; Siopaphora Metcalf, 1952 synonym by Synave 1966: 69)
Gamergomorphus Melichar, 1906
Gamergus Stål, 1859
Indogaetulia Schmidt, 1919
Johannesburgia Distant, 1907
Laberia Stål, 1866
Nurunderia Distant, 1909
Paragamergomorphus Synave, 1956
Paralasonia Muir, 1924
Pucina Stål, 1866
Riancia Signoret, 1860
Salona Stål, 1866
Selamorpha Campodonico, 2018
Tritophania† Jacobi, 1938

CAMPODONICO 2018 FIGURES 1–6. Selamorpha variegata gen. et sp. nov. 1–4. Male holotype. 1. Habitus, lateral view. 2. Head and thorax, dorsal view. 3. Habitus, dorsal view. 4. Head, frontal view. 5–6. Female. 5. Habitus, lateral view. 6. Hind wing. Scale bars = 1 mm.
Subtribe Gaetuliina Fennah, 1978: 118
Acrisius Stål, 1862 (= Cadrela Signoret, 1861 synonym by Stål 1864)
Danepteryx Uhler, 1889 (=Epidanepteryx Bliven, 1966 synonym of Danepteryx Uhler, 1889 according to O’Brien 1988: 867)
Dictyobia Uhler, 1889
Dictyonia Uhler, 1889
Dictyonissus Uhler, 1876
Dictyssa Melichar, 1906
Dictyssonia Ball, 1936
Dyctidea Uhler, 1889
Gaetulia Stål, 1864
Misodema Melichar, 1907 ( = Rileya Melichar, 1906 synonym by Melichar 1907)
Neaethus Stål, 1861 ( = Issovarcia Bliven, 1966 synonym by O’Brien 1988: 867)
Nubithia Stål, 1859 (= Distichoptera Brèthes, 1913 synonym by Gnezdilov 2007: 296)
Osbornia Ball, 1910

Bartlett et al 2014 Figure 90. Tropiduchidae (Gaetuliini); A. Danepteryx lurida, B. Dictyobia semivitrea, C. Dictyonia obscura, D. Dictyonissus griphus, E. Dictyssa monroviana, F. Dictyssonia beameri, G. Dictidea sp., H. Misodema reticulata, I. Neaethus sinehamatus, J. Osbornia cornuta.

Gaetulia chrysopoides (Walker) from New South Wales Government, Department of Primary Industries, Biosecurity Collections, Fulgoroidea key.
Tribe Gedanotropidini† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2017
Gedanotropis† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2017
Tribe Parathisciini Gnezdilov 2013. (From Acanaloniidae by Gnezdilov 2013)
Hemithiscia Schmidt, 1912 ( = Thinea Melichar, 1914 synonym by Fennah 1954: 473) 3 species, Dutch east Africa –
Paraphilatis Melichar, 1912 (1 species, Congo) (
Parathiscia Melichar, 1901 (2 species, Africa; Cameroon)
Pseudothiscia Schmidt, 1912 (1 species, South Africa;

Gnezdilov 2013 Figures 8–11. Parathisciini trib. n., lateral view. 8. Parathiscia conjugata Melichar, female (Cote d’Ivore); 9. Parathiscia truncatella Walker, female paralectotype; 10. Paraphilatis camerunensis Melichar, holotype; 11. Hemithiscia taeniatifrons Schmidt, male lectotype. Scale bar – 2 mm.
Tribe Patollini† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2013
Patollo† Szwedo & Stroinski, 2013
Subfamily Tropiduchinae (=Subfamily Tambiniinae (sensu Fennah 1945) by Gnezdilov 2013) and subfamily Trienopinae Fennah, 1954: 456
= Tambiniinae Kirkaldy, 1907 synonym of Tropiduchinae Stål, 1866 according to Fennah 1982: 634
Tribe Alcestini Melichar (sensu Fennah 1982: 639)
Alcestis Stål, 1862
Alphesiboea Schmidt, 1932
Alcumena Schmidt, 1932
Tribe Catulliini Melichar, 1914: 52 [12, 16 key]
Barunoides Distant, 1912 (= Baruna Distant, 1906 synonym by Melichar 1914)
Catullia Stål, 1870
Catulliaria Muir, 1931
Catullioides Bierman, 1910
Eodryas Kirkaldy, 1907
Numicia Stål, 1866 ( = Kusuma Distant, 1906 synonym by Ghauri 1976: 9)

Numicia boulardi Synave, 1968 (Paratype, from FLOW).
Tribe Chrysopuchini Gnezdilov 2013
Chrysopuchus Gnezdilov 2013 (1 species, Madagascar)
Tribe Cixiopsini Fennah 1982: 640
Cixiopsis Matsumura, 1900 (= Padanda Distant, 1906 synonym by Matsumura 1914: 268; = Padanda Distant, 1906 status revivisco [resurrected] by Melichar 1915: 382; = Olontheus Jacobi 1944; syn. by Emeljanov 1988; = Nacmusius Jacobi, 1944, syn by Gnezdilov 2012: 243) (China, Japan, India, &c)
Duriopsis Melichar, 1906 (Asia)
Padanda Distant, 1906
Zema Fennah, 1956 (Asia)
Tribe Cyphoceratopini Fennah 1945 (sensu Fennah 1982)
Achilorma Metcalf & Bruner, 1930
Amaclardea Muir, 1931
Amapala Melichar, 1914
Arenasella Schmidt, 1932
Chasmacephala Fennah, 1945
Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904 (= Rudia Stål, 1866 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Temora Kirkaldy, 1901: 6; = Temora Kirkaldy, 1901 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904: 279)
Cyphoceratops Uhler, 1901
Dichoneura Lethierry, 1890
Grynia Stål, 1862
Neorudia Fennah, 1945
Parahydriena Muir, 1924
Tangiopsis Uhler, 1901 (= Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904 synonym by Metcalf 1938: 384)
Tangyria Uhler, 1901 (Caribbean)
Ubis Fennah, 1945
Tribe Emilianini† Shcherbakov, 2006
Emiliana† Shcherbakov, 2006
Tribe Eporini Fennah 1982: 637
Subtribe Clardeina Fennah 1982: 637
Aethomyctus Williams, 1981
Clardea Signoret, 1862
Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860 (= Conchoptera Stål, 1866 synonym by Melichar 1914: 211)
Cuneoceps Williams, 1981
Cyrtomycta Williams, 1981
Daradaxoides Distant, 1917
Idiomyctus Williams, 1981
Pseudoclardea Williams, 1981
Subtribe Eporina Fennah 1982: 637
Epora Walker, 1857
Eporiella Melichar, 1914
Mesepora Matsumura, 1914 (= Anepora Melichar, 1914 synonym by Melichar 1914)
Paraepora Chang & Chen, 2014
Stiborus Melichar, 1903

Figs 1-9 from Chen and Chen 2014 Figs. 1–9. Dorsal and ventral habitus of Paraepora Chang & Chen gen. nov. species. (Figs. 1–3), P. bifurca Chang & Chen sp. nov.; (Figs. 4–6), P. cultellata Chang & Chen sp. nov.; (Figs. 7–9) P. tegula Chang & Chen sp. nov. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Tribe Eutropistini Kirkaldy 1906: 296.
= Eutropistidae Kirkaldy 1906: 296; status Fennah 1982: 640.
Subtribe Duriina Fennah 1982: 640
Bananellodes Strand, 1928 (= Bananella Schmidt, 1924 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Bananellodes Schmidt, 1924 by Strand 1928: 73)
Diagrynia Melichar, 1914
Durium Stål, 1861 (= Acrometopus Signoret, 1860 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Durium Stål, 1861: 209)
Euhiracia Melichar, 1908 (from Dictyopharidae by Fennah 1982: 640)
Gergithomorphus Haglund, 1899
Heinsenia Melichar, 1906
Intandela Hesse, 1925
Lagoana Melichar, 1905
Obedas Jacobi, 1910
Pseudogergithus Schmidt, 1912
Spathocranus Muir, 1934
Subtribe Eutropistina Fennah 1982: 640
Camerunilla Haglund, 1899
Eucameruna Melichar, 1906
Eutropistes Schaum, 1853
Kirongoziella Schmidt, 1924
Scolopsomorpha Melichar, 1912
Tropiduchodes Schmidt, 1910 (= Parasthesa Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tropiduchodes Schmidt, 1910)
Subtribe Kazeruniina Dlabola (new status Fennah 1982: 640)
Kazerunia Dlabola, 1974
Manganeutes Fennah, 1965
Tribe Isporisini Fennah 1982: 637
Eilithyia Distant, 1912
Isporisa Walker, 1857
Isporisella Baker, 1927
Sogana Matsumura, 1914 (= Logana Matsumura, 1914 wrong spelling of Sogana Matsumura, 1914 in Metcalf 1954)
Tribe Jantaritambiini† Szwedo, 2000
Jantaritambia† Szwedo, 2000
Tribe Neommatissini Fennah 1982: 634
Neommatissus Muir, 1913 ( = Stacotoides Distant, 1916 synonym by to Muir 1917; = Trobolophya Melichar, 1914 synonym by Baker 1927)
Paruzelia Melichar, 1903
Teramnon Fennah, 1969
Tribe Paricanini Melichar [1913:7] (sensu Fennah 1982)
Leusaba Walker, 1857
Lukabales Stroinski & Szwedo, 2015
Paricana Walker, 1857
Paricanoides Liang, 2003
Stacota Stål, 1859
Tribe Remosini Fennah 1982: 639
Monopsis Spinola, 1839
Neurotmeta Guérin-Méneville, 1856
Pseudotangia Metcalf, 1938 (Caribbean)
Remosa Distant, 1906
Rotunosa Distant, 1906 (= Roemsa Fennah 1945 by Fennah 1947)
Vanuoides Metcalf, 1938 (Panama)
Tribe Tambiniini Kirkaldy 1907 (sensu Fennah 1945, 1982)
Athestia Melichar, 1914
Biruga Fennah, 1944
Diambon O’Brien, 2010
Garumna Melichar, 1914 (=Paragarumna Muir, 1931 synonym by Wang et al. 2009: 440 )
Garumnella Wang, Liang & Webb, 2009
Kallitambinia Muir, 1931
Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901 (= Taxila Stål, 1870 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901: 6; Taxila Stål, 1870 nomen praeoccupatum replaced by Taxilana Melichar, 1914: 90; = Taxilana Melichar, 1914 synonym of Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901 by Muir 1931: 74)
Lanshu Yang, Yang & Wilson, 1989
Neotaxilana Synave, 1979
Neotaxilanoides Men & Qin, 2011
Nesotaxila Fennah, 1971
Ossoides Bierman, 1910 (= Platyepora Matsumura, 1913 synonym by Matsumura 1914)
Sumbana Lallemand & Synave, 1953
Tambinia Stål, 1859 (= Ossa De Motschulsky, 1863 synonym by Melichar 1914: 84)
Tauropola Jacobi, 1944

Figure 1 from Wang and Liang 2011 Dorsal habitus of Tambinia species A Tambinia conus sp. n. (male, Papua New Guinea, CAS) B Tambinia macula sp. n. (male, Malaysia:Borneo, CAS) C Tambinia similis Liang (male, Vietnam, BPBM) D Tambinia robustocarina sp. n.( male, Malaysia: Sabah, USUM) E Tambinia sexmaculata sp. n.( male, Australia:Kuranda, CAS).
Tribe Tangiini Melichar, 1914: 12 [? Schmidt 1926: 232] (new status Fennah 1982: 638)
Subtribe Neotangiina Fennah 1982: 638
Aripoa Fennah, 1945
Dictyotangia Fennah, 1945
Dioxyomus Fennah, 1945
Neotangia Melichar, 1914
Pelitropis Van Duzee, 1908
Tangidia Uhler, 1895
Subtribe Tangiina Melichar 1914
Ladella Stål, 1859 (Caribbean)
Ladellodes Fennah, 1965
Tangella Metcalf & Bruner, 1930 (Caribbean)
Tangia Stål, 1859
Tribe Trienopini Fennah, 1954 (by implication)
= Subfamily Trienopinae Fennah, 1954: 456 (From Metcalf 1958)
Fritzruehlia Schmidt, 1924 (= Heterothionina Lallemand, 1942 synonym by Synave 1957: 54)
Ingoma Fennah 1954 (1 species Kenya)
Neotylana Distant, 1909 (1 species, South Africa)
Togoda Melichar 1906 (2 species, Angola, Togoland, Transvaal)
Trienopa Signoret, 1860 (= Eriphyle Stål, 1861 synonym by Melichar 1906: 227; = Ivinga Distant, 1911 synonym by Gnezdilov 2007: 296).
Tribe Tropiduchini Melichar, 1914: 7 (sensu Fennah 1982)
= Tribe Peggiogini Melichar 1914 by Fennah 1982: 639
Antabhoga Distant, 1912
Daradacella Fennah, 1949 (Russell Islands)
Daradax Walker, 1857 (Borneo, Malay, &c.)
Ficarasa Walker, 1857
Haliartus Melichar, 1914
Lavora Muir, 1931 (Guadalcanal, etc.)
Leptotambinia Kato, 1931
Leptovanua Melichar, 1914 (soloman islands, &c)
Macrovanua Fennah, 1950 (Nuie, Fiji, &c.)
Montrouzierana Signoret, 1861 (New Caledonia)
Neocatara Distant, 1910 (= Catara Walker, 1870 synonym by Melichar 1914)
Nesotemora Fennah, 1956
Oechalina Melichar, 1914 (New Guinea, &c)
Oligaethus Jacobi, 1928 (western Austaralia)
Peggioga Kirkaldy, 1905 (indomalayan)
Peltodictya Kirkaldy, 1906
Pseudoparicana Melichar, 1914
Rhinodictya Kirkaldy, 1906 (Viti Levu, Fiji, &c.)
Scenoma Fennah, 1969
Swezeyaria Metalf, 1946
Thaumantia Melichar, 1914 (Malay, &c.)
Thymbra Melichar, 1914 (New Guinea, &c.)
Tropiduchus Stål, 1854 (= Euria Walker, 1857 synonym by Stål 1866; = Mulucha Melichar, 1914 synonym by Stål, 1854)
Vanua Kirkaldy, 1906 (Tonga, Fiji &c.)
Varma Distant, 1906

Oligaethus rostratus Jacobi (from New South Wales Government, Department of Primary Industries, Biosecurity Collections).
Tribe Trypetimorphini Melichar, 1914: 7
Caffrommatissus Fennah, 1967 (see Huang & Bourgoun 1997) (Africa; 1 species; Cixiopsiini in Huang & Bourgoin 1993)
Ommatissus Fieber, 1875
Trypetimorpha Costa, 1862 (=Trichoduchus Bierman, 1910)

The Dubas bug (Ommatissus lybicus) From Integrated management of the Dubas bug website.
Tribe Turneriolini Fennah 1982: 634
Stenoconchyoptera Muir, 1931
Turneriola China, 1923
Placement not yet found – > – Tropiduchidae incertae sedis
Hesticus Walker, 1862
Inkewana Hesse, 1925 – hiraciini in Metcalf 1954
Sakina Synave, 1978
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