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Family Delphacidae Leach, 1815
Subfamily Delphacinae Leach, 1815
Tribe Delphacini Leach, 1815
Genus Nesosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
Type species (in original combination): Nesosydne koae Kirkaldy 1907.
In this strict sense, this genus is confined to the Hawaiian Islands; however, currently, species are also placed in this genus from the Juan Fernández Archipiélago (off the coast of Chile), and several sets of Islands in the Pacific (Society Islands, Rapa, Marquesas, Galapagos) (the map in FLOW is not very informative).
Recognized species
There are 121 species and 2 subspecies in this genus (distribution information incomplete):
Juan Fernández
1 Nesosydne calypso Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
2 Nesosydne clio Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
3 Nesosydne minos Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
4 Nesosydne oreas Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
5 Nesosydne philoctetes Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
6 Nesosydne sappho Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
7 Nesosydne vulcan Fennah, 1955 – Juan Fernández Archipiélago
1 Nesosydne alcmaeon Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
2 Nesosydne augur Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
3 Nesosydne brimo Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
4 Nesosydne iphis Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
5 Nesosydne olipor Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
6 Nesosydne seneca Fennah, 1967 – Galapagos
7 Nesosydne simulans (Walker, 1851) – Charles & James Is (Galapagos)
1 Nesosydne acastus Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
2 Nesosydne agenor Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
3 Nesosydne cheesmanae (Muir, 1927) – Marquesas Islands
4 Nesosydne cleanthes Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
5 Nesosydne clitarchus Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
6 Nesosydne cyane Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
7 Nesosydne dinomache Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
8 Nesosydne elatus Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
9 Nesosydne helicaon Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
10 Nesosydne lanista Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
11 Nesosydne laocoon Fennah, 1958) – Marquesas Islands
12 Nesosydne latona Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
13 Nesosydne linus Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
14 Nesosydne melampus Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
15 Nesosydne oroanda Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
16 Nesosydne orphne Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
17 Nesosydne siderion Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
18 Nesosydne sorix Fennah, 1958 – Marquesas Islands
Rapa Island
1 Nesosydne otus Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
2 Nesosydne ozomene Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
3 Nesosydne panthus Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
4 Nesosydne satyrion Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
5 Nesosydne sophonisba Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
6 Nesosydne soracte Fennah, 1958 – Rapa Island
Society Islands
1 Nesosydne remmius Fennah, 1958 – Society Islands
2 Nesosydne scorpinaca Fennah, 1958 – Society Islands
Hawaiian Islands (True Nesosydne)
1 Nesosydne acuta (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
2 Nesosydne ahinahina (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
3 Nesosydne aku (Muir, 1921) – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
4 Nesosydne amaumau (Muir, 1921) – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
5 Nesosydne anceps Muir, 1916 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
6 Nesosydne argyroxiphii Kirkaldy, 1908 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
7 Nesosydne asteliae Muir, 1917 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
8 Nesosydne boehmeriae (Muir, 1921) – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
9 Nesosydne bridwelli (Muir, 1919) – Maui, Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
10 Nesosydne campylothecae (Muir, 1922) – Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
11 Nesosydne chambersi Kirkaldy, 1908 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
12 Nesosydne chenopodii Zimmerman 1952 – Hawaii
13 Nesosydne coprosmicola (Muir 1919) – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
14 Nesosydne cyathodis Kirkaldy, 1910 – Maui, Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
15 Nesosydne cyrtandrae Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
16 Nesosydne cyrtandricola Muir, 1918 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
17 Nesosydne dubautiae (Muir, 1921) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
18 Nesosydne eeke (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
19 Nesosydne fullawayi (Muir, 1916) – Maui, Hawaii, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
20 Nesosydne geranii (Muir, 1921: 515) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
21 Nesosydne giffardi Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
22 Nesosydne gigantea (Muir, 1921) – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
23 Nesosydne gouldiae Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
24 Nesosydne gunnerae Muir, 1917 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
25 Nesosydne haleakala Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
26 Nesosydne halia Kirkaldy, 1908 – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
27 Nesosydne halia fuscovittata Metcalf, 1943 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
28 Nesosydne hamadryas Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
29 Nesosydne hamata Muir, 1917 – Lanai (Hawaiian Islands)
30 Nesosydne imbricola Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
31 Nesosydne incommoda Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
32 Nesosydne ipomoeicola Kirkaldy, 1907 – Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
33 Nesosydne koae Kirkaldy, 1907 – Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
34 Nesosydne koae-phyllodii Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
35 Nesosydne koebelei Muir, 1917 – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
36 Nesosydne kokolau (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
37 Nesosydne kuschei (Muir, 1922) – Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
38 Nesosydne lanaiensis (Muir, 1917) – Maui, Hawaii, lanai (Hawaiian Islands)
39 Nesosydne leahi Kirkaldy, 1904) – Oahu, Hawaii, Kauai, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
40 Nesosydne lobeliae Kirkaldy, 1916 – Oahu, Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
41 Nesosydne longipes (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
42 Nesosydne mamake (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
43 Nesosydne mauiensis (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
44 Nesosydne monticola Kirkaldy, 1910 – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
45 Nesosydne montistantalus Muir, 1916 (as montis-tantalus) – Oahu, Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
46 Nesosydne naenae (Muir, 1922) – Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
47 Nesosydne neocyrtandrae (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
48 Nesosydne neoraillardiae (Muir, 1921) – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
49 Nesosydne neowailupensis Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
50 Nesosydne nephelias Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
51 Nesosydne nephrolepidis Kirkaldy, 1908 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
52 Nesosydne nesogunnerae Muir, 1917 Lanai (Hawaiian Islands)
53 Nesosydne nesopele (Muir, 1921) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
54 Nesosydne nigriceps Muir, 1917 Lanai (Hawaiian Islands)
55 Nesosydne nigrinervis (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
56 Nesosydne nubigena Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
57 Nesosydne oahuensis Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
58 Nesosydne olympica (Muir, 1921) – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
59 Nesosydne osborni Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
60 Nesosydne painiu (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
61 Nesosydne palustris Muir, 1908 – Hawaii, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
62 Nesosydne perkinsi Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
63 Nesosydne phyllostegiae Muir, 1918 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
64 Nesosydne pilo (Muir, 1922) – Kauai, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
65 Nesosydne pipturi Kirkaldy, 1908 – Hawaii, Oahu, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
66 Nesosydne procellaris Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Molokai (Hawaiian Islands)
67 Nesosydne pseudorubescens Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
68 Nesosydne raillardiae Kirkaldy 1908; Hawaii
69 Nesosydne raillardiicola (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
70 Nesosydne rocki Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
71 Nesosydne rubescens Kirkaldy, 1907 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
72 Nesosydne rubescens pele Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
73 Nesosydne sharpi Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
74 Nesosydne sola Muir, 1917 – Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
75 Nesosydne stenogynicola (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
76 Nesosydne sulcata (Muir, 1921) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
77 Nesosydne swezeyi Muir, 1916 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
78 Nesosydne tetramalopii (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
79 Nesosydne timberlakei Muir, 1917 – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
80 Nesosydne ulehihi (Muir, 1919) – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
81 Nesosydne umbratica Kirkaldy, 1910 – Hawaii (Hawaiian Islands)
82 Nesosydne viridis (Muir, 1922) – Kauai (Hawaiian Islands)
83 Nesosydne waikamoiensis (Muir, 1919) – Maui (Hawaiian Islands)
84 Nesosydne wailupensis (Muir, 1916) – Hawaii, Oahu (Hawaiian Islands)
124 total taxa
Plant associations
Varied dicots, monocots and ferns.
Juan Fernández Archipiélago
Nesosydne calypso – Drimys confertifolia Phil. (Winteraceae), Gunnera masafuerae Skottsb. (Gunneraceae).
Nesosydne minos – Gunnera masafuerae Skottsb. (Gunneraceae), Gaultheria racemulosa (DC.) D.J.Middleton (as Pernettya rigida (Bertero) DC.; Ericaceae).
Nesosydne vulcan – Dendroseris micrantha Hook. & Arn. (as Rea micrantha Bertero ex Decne.) (Asteraceae).
Rapa Island
Nesosydne otus – Fitchia sp. (Asteraceae), Ferns, Veronica sp., (Scrophulariaceae).
Nesosydne satyrion – Coprosma sp. (mirrorplant; Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne sophonisba – Fitchia sp. (Asteraceae), Lautea sp. (Cornaceae or Escalloniaceae), Asplenium nidus L. (Hawai’I birdnest fern; Aspleniaceae).
Nesosydne acastus – Crossostylis biflora J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (Rhizophoraceae)
Nesosydne agenor – Premna tahitensis Schauer (Lamiaceae), Morinda citrifolia L. (Indian mulberry; Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne cheesmanae – Weinmannia sp. (Cunoniaceae).
Nesosydne cleanthes – Weinmannia sp. (Cunoniaceae).
Nesosydne clitarchus – Piper latifolium L. f. (Piperaceae).
Nesosydne cyane – Reynoldsia sp. (Araliaceae), Weinmannia sp. (Cunoniaceae), Glochidion ramiflorum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (Phyllanthaceae), Loranthus sp. (mulberry mistletoe; Viscaceae), Cyrtandra sp., (Gesneriaceae).
Nesosydne dinomache – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae), Sclerotheca sp. (Campanulaceae), Vaccinium sp. (blueberry), Weinmannia sp. (Cunoniaceae).
Nesosydne elatus – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae), Bidens lantanoides A.Gray (Asteraceae), Freycinetia sp. (Pandanaceae)
Nesosydne lanista – Weinmannia sp. (Cunoniaceae), Sida sp. (fanpetals; Malvaceae)
Nesosydne latona – Weinmannia sp. (as Weinmannia parviflora – an unresolved name; Cunoniaceae).
Nesosydne linus – Freycinetia sp. (Pandanaceae), Cyathea sp. (Cyatheaceae), Bidens lantanoides A.Gray (Asteraceae), Hibiscus tiliaceus L. (sea hibiscus; Malvaceae), Metrosideros collina (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) A.Gray (Myrtaceae).
Nesosydne melampus – Weinmannia sp. (as Weinmannia parviflora – an unresolved name; Cunoniaceae).
Nesosydne oroanda – Melochia umbellata (Houtt.) Stapf (as Melochia velutina Wall. ex Bedd.; Malvaceae).
Nesosydne siderion – Reynoldsia tahitensis Nadeaud (Araliaceae).
Nesosydne sorix – Metrosideros collina (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) A.Gray (Myrtaceae).
Hawaiian Islands
Nesosydne acuta – Cyrtandra platyphylla A. Gray (‘ilihia; Gesnericaceae)
Nesosydne ahinahina – Argyroxiphium sp. (Silversword; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne aku – Cyanea tritomantha A. Gray (‘aku ‘aku; Campanulaceae)
Nesosydne amaumau – Sadleria sp. (Blechnaceae)
Nesosydne anceps – Freycinetia sp. (Pandanaceae).
Nesosydne argyroxiphii – Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC. (Hawai’i silversword; Asteraceae)
Nesosydne asteliae – Astelia menziesiana Sm. (as Astelia veratroides) (pua’akuhinia; Liliaceae).
Nesosydne boehmeriae – Boehmeria sp. (false nettle; Urticaceae).
Nesosydne bridwelli – Argyroxiphium virescens Hillebr. (Greensword), Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC. (Hawai’i silversword), Dubautia sp. (All Asteraceae).
Nesosydne campylothecae – Bidens sp. (as Campylotheca sp.; viper beggarticks; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne chambersi – Dubautia ciliolata (DC.) Keck (as Railliardia ciliolata DC.; lava dubautia; Asteraceae)
Nesosydne coprosmicola – Coprosma ernodeoides A.Gray (Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne cyathodis – Styphelia tameiameiae (Cham. & Schltdl.) F. Muell. (Pukiawe; Epacridaceae).
Nesosydne cyrtandrae – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae).
Nesosydne cyrtandricola – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae), Charpentiera obovata Gaudich. (broadleaf papala; Amaranthaceae)
Nesosydne dubautiae – Dubautia plantaginea Gaudich. (Asteraceae).
Nesosydne eeke – Argyroxiphium sp. (Silversword; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne fullawayi – Styphelia sp. (Epacridaceae).
Nesosydne geranii – Geranium arboreum A. Gray Hawai’i red cranesbill Geraniaceae
Nesosydne giffardi – Cyrtandra grandiflora Gaudich. (largeflower cyrtandra; Gesnericaceae); Cyanea crispa (Gaudich.) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma (as Rollandia crispa; Koolau Range rollandia; Campanulaceae)
Nesosydne gigantea – Pritchardia sp. (Arecaceae).
Nesosydne gouldiae – Cyrtandra grandiflora Gaudich. (largeflower cyrtandra), Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae).
Nesosydne gunnerae – Gunnera petaloidea Gaudich. (haha; Gunneraceae).
Nesosydne halia – Dubautia plantaginea Gaudich. (Asteraceae), Freycinetia sp. (Pandanaceae)
Nesosydne imbricola – Coprosma montana Hillebr. (alpine mirrorplant),
Nesosydne ipomoeicola – Polyphagous (reported Antidesma, Bermuda grass, Cibotium, Cyrtandra, Dolichos lablab, Gouldia elongata, Ipomoea bona-nox, Jussiaea villosa, “leafy cabbage’, Lythrum maritimum, Mucuna gigantea, Pipturus, Polygonum, potato, Rumex, Sadleria, Strongylodon lucidum, sweet potato).
Nesosydne koae – Acacia koa A. Gray (Koa; Fabaceae).
Nesosydne koae-phyllodii – Acacia koa A. Gray (Koa; Fabaceae).
Nesosydne kokolau – Bidens sp. (as Campylotheca sp.; viper beggarticks; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne kuschei – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesnericaceae).
Nesosydne lanaiensis – Styphelia sp. (Epacridaceae).
Nesosydne leahi – Lipochaeta lobata (Gaudich.) DC. var. lobata (shrubland nehe, as Lipochaeta calycosa A. Gray; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne lobeliae – Lobelia hypoleuca Hillebr. (kuhi’aikamo’owahie; Campanulaceae).
Nesosydne longipes – Cyrtandra platyphylla A. Gray (‘ilihia, as Cyrtandra mauiensis Rock; Gesneriaceae).
Nesosydne mamake – Pipturus sp. (Urticaceae)
Nesosydne mauiensis – Coreopsis mauiensis A.Gray (as Campylotheca mauiensis; Asteraceae), Lipochaeta integrifolia (Nutt.) A. Gray (Kure Atoll nehe), Raillardia menziesii A. Gray, Tetramolopium “artemisia” (all Asteraceae).
Nesosydne monticola – Coprosma montana Hillebr. (Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne montis-tantala – Lobelia hypoleuca Hillebr. (kuhi’aikamo’owahie, Campanulaceae), Broussaisia arguta Gaudich. (kanawao; Hydrangeaceae).
Nesosydne naenae – Dubautia sp., Raillardia sp. (Asteraceae).
Nesosydne neocyrtandrae – Gunnera petaloidea Gaudich. (as Gunnera mauiensis (Kroj.) H.St.John; Gunneraceae).
Nesosydne neoraillardiae – Lipochaeta subcordata A. Gray (grassland nehe; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne neowailupensis – Coprosma longifolia A. Gray (Oahu mirrorplant; Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne nephrolepidis – Nephrolepis exaltata (L.) Schott (Boston swordfern; Dryopteridaceae).
Nesosydne nesopele – Astelia menziesiana Sm. (pua’akuhinia; Liliaceae).
Nesosydne nigrinervis – Styphelia sp. (Epacridaceae).
Nesosydne oahuensis – Charpentiera obovata Gaudich. (broadleaf papala; Amaranthaceae).
Nesosydne olympica – Lobelia sp. (Campanulaceae).
Nesosydne osborni – Railliardia sp. (Asteraceae).
Nesosydne painiu – Astelia menziesiana Sm. (pua’akuhinia; Liliaceae).
Nesosydne phyllostegiae – Phyllostegia racemosa Benth. (Kiponapona; Lamiaceae).
Nesosydne pilo – Coprosma ernodeoides A.Gray (Rubiaceae).
Nesosydne pipturi – Pipturus sp. (Urticaceae).
Nesosydne pseudorubescens – Acacia koa A. Gray (Koa; Fabaceae).
Nesosydne raillardiae – Dubautia scabra (DC.) Keck (as Raillardia scabra), D. ciliolata (DC.) Keck, (as Raillardia ciliota) (Asteraceae), Rollandia sp. (Campanulaceae).
Nesosydne rubescens – Acacia koa A. Gray (Koa; Fabaceae).
Nesosydne sharpi – Broussaisia sp. (Hydrangeaceae), Boehmeria grandis (Hook. & Arn.) A. Heller (Hawai’i false nettle; as Boehmeria stipularis Weddell; Urticaceae).
Nesosydne stenogynicola – Stenogyne kamehamehae Wawra (forest stenogyne; Lamiaceae).
Nesosydne sulcata – Cyrtandra sp. (Gesneriaceae).
Nesosydne tetramalopii – Tetramolopium humile (A. Gray) Hillebr. (alpine tetramolopium; Asteraceae).
Nesosydne timberlakei – Cyrtandra garnotiana Gaudich. (Hahala; Gesneriaceae), Cyanea truncata (Rock) Rock (Punaluu cyanea, Campanulaceae)
Nesosydne ulehihi – Smilax melastomifolia Sm. (Hawai’i greenbrier; as Smilax sandwicensis Kunth.; Smilacaceae).
Nesosydne umbratica – Charpentiera obovata Gaudich. (broadleaf papala; Amaranthaceae), Clermontia sp. (Campanulaceae), Cyrtandra sp. (Gesneriaceae), Pipturus sp. (Urticaceae), Urera sandwicensis Wedd. (this name unresolved; Urticaceae); Stenogyne sp. (Lamiaceae).
Nesosydne viridis – Phyllostegia sp. (Lamiaceae).
Nesosydne waikamoiensis – Cyanea aculeatiflora Rock (Haleakala cyanea; Campanulaceae), Pipturus sp. (Urticaceae)
Nesosydne wailupensis – Cyanea crispa (Gaudich.) Lammers, Givnish & Sytsma (Koolau Range rollandia; as Rollandia crispa Gaudich.; Campanulaceae).
Plant names according to the PLANTS Database (http://plants.usda.gov), Tropicos, or The Plant List.
Economic Importance
Limited, although some species associated with rare plants may be threatened.
For Hawaiian species, see Zimmerman, 1948.
Nesosydne pipturi – Oahu; from Kari Goodman (UC Berkley)
Nesosydne sp. – Hawaii (big island) from Kari Goodman (UC Berkley
Nesosydne chambersi
Nesosydne has been investigated with respect to coevolution to the Hawaiian silverswords (Roderick 1997, Roderick and Metz 1997) as well as their diversification and evolution (Goodman et al. 2012, 2015).
Molecular resources
Microsatellite markers are available for Nesosydne chambersi on Genbank (see Goodman et al. 2008). BOLD has data for 3 speices in this genus.
Selected References
(see digital library for available pdfs here.)
Asche, M. 1997. A review of the systematics of Hawaiian planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea). Pacific Science 51 (4): 366-376.
Asche, M. 1998. A review of the planthopper genus Nesodryas Kirklady and related taxa (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea: Delphacidae). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 33: 89-124.
Beardsley, J. W. 1990. Notes on immigrant delphacid planthoppers in Hawaii (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 30: 121-129.
Eldredge, L. G. and N. L. Evenhuis. 2002. Numbers of Hawaiian Species for 2000. Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2000. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 68: 71–78.
Fennah, R. G. 1955. Delphacidae from Juan Fernandez (Homoptera: Fulgoroidea). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) Taxonomy 24: 129-138.
Fennah, R. G. 1957. Los insectos de las Islas Juan Fernandez 29: Fulgoroidea (Homoptera). Revista Chilena de Entomologia 5: 375-384.
Fennah, R. G. 1958. Fulgoroidea of South-eastern Polynesia. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 110(6): 117-220.
Fennah, R. G. 1967. Fulgoridae of the Galápagos Archipelago. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science, fourth series 35(4): 53-102.
Goodman, K. R. , V.R.F. Morris, S. C. Welter and G. K. Roderick. 2008. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in an endemic Hawaiian planthopper (Nesosydne chambersi: Delphacidae). Molecular Ecology Resources 8(6): 1436-1438.
Goodman, K. R., S. C. Welter and G. K. Roderick. 2012. Genetic divergence is decoupled from ecological diversification in the Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers. Evolution 66: 2798-2814, doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01643.x
Goodman, K. R., J. P. Kelley, S. C. Welter, G. K. Roderick and D. O. Elias. 2015. Rapid diversification of sexual signals in Hawaiian Nesosydne planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae): the relative role of neutral and selective forces. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 415–427. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12577
Goodman, K.R., S. Prost, K. Bi, M. S. Brewer and R. G. Gillespie. 2019. Host and geography together drive early adaptive radiation of hawaiian planthoppers. Molecular Ecology 28: 4513–4528. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.15231
Kirkaldy, G. W. 1908d. A list of the described Hemiptera (excluding the Aleyrodidae and Coccidae) of the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of The Hawaiian Entomological Society 1: 186-208.
Kirkaldy, G. W. 1910e. Hemiptera. Supplement to “Fauna Hawaiiensis or the Zoology of the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Isles.”. 2: 531-599.
Leach, W. E. 1815a. Entomology. The Edinburg encyclopedia; conducted by David Brewster 9: 57-172. (family Delphacidae here).
Metcalf, Z. P. 1943. General Catalogue of the Hemiptera. Fascicle IV, Fulgoroidea, Part 3, Araeopidae (Delphacidae). Smith College, Northhampton, Massachusetts. 552 pp.
Muir, F.A.G. 1916c. Review of the autochthonous genera of Hawaiian Delphacidae. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3: 168-221.
Muir, F.A.G. 1917c. New Hawaiian Delphacidae. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 3: 298-311.
Muir, F. A. G. 1919c. New Hawaiian Delphacidae (Homoptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 84-108.
Muir, F. A. G. 1921c. New Hawaiian Delphacidae (Homoptera). Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 4: 507-520.
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