III. Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience

An institution provides students with learning experiences that are characterized by rigor and coherence at all program, certificate, and degree levels, regardless of instructional modality. All learning experiences, regardless of modality, program pace/schedule, level, and setting are consistent with higher education expectations.

Standard III Criteria

Iain Crawford, Co-Chair
Director, Undergraduate Research Program; Professor, Department of English

Greg Shelnut, Co-Chair
Chair, Department of Art and Design

Dawn Berk
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences; Director, Mathematical Sciences Learning Laboratory

*Doug Doren
Interim Vice Provost for Graduate and Professional Education

Dan Freeman
Director, Horn Entrepreneurship Program; Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration

Aviva Heyn
Assistant Director for Digital Learning, Office of Professional and Continuing Studies

Kathleen Kerr
Associate Vice President for Student Life

Rusty Lee
Deputy Faculty Director, UD Honors Program; Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bill Lewis
Associate Professor, School of Education

Rose Muravchick
Assistant Director for Educational Effectiveness, Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning

*Trevor Nelson
Director, Institute for Global Studies

Nancy O’Laughlin
Manager of Learning Management Support, Information Technologies

Eric Rise
Associate Chairperson, Department of Sociology

David Satran
Director, Associates in the Arts Program

Sue Serra
Assistant Director for Service Learning, Community Engagement Initiative

Delice Williams
Associate Director, Writing Center

*Denotes Working Group members who have left the University.