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We are dedicated to working together with older adults to preserve brain health

The Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research collaborates with academic, government, nonprofit, and community groups to share resources promoting brain health and independence among middle-aged and older adults. By supporting community initiatives and facilitating access to Alzheimer’s research, the Center aims to contribute to sustainable changes in community health and well-being. 

The Center plays a pivotal role in mentoring UD students, clinicians, staff, and faculty in best practices for community-based participatory research with older adults. We are excited about the positive impact our partnerships and initiatives are having on brain health and community well-being.

To learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, we recommend these resources:


Free Memory Screenings

We encourage older adults to see if they are eligible for the free memory screening offered by the Center. This screening provides feedback that you may choose to share with your doctor, and may qualify you to participate in a research study.

Brain-WISE Program

Researchers within the Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research have created an in-person, group-based brain health program designed to educate older adults about risk factors for dementia.

Interested in joining a study?

Fill out a Participant Interest Form or learn more about volunteering for a research study on our Get Involved page.


Contact us at memorycenter@udel.edu