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We are studying ways to prevent or delay Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

The Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research is excited to be working together with older adults, including those with and without memory issues. When older adults volunteer their time for a research study, they help us learn how to slow down, stop, or even cure Alzheimer’s disease and other memory-related issues. 

For those new to research studies and clinical trials, we recommend exploring resources from the National Institute on Aging to understand their importance and how scientists utilize them.

If you are interested in joining a study visit our Get Involved page for information about the process of joining, or take the first step to volunteering for a study by filling out a Participant Interest Form.

UD researchers interested in collaborating with the Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research can reach us at memorycenter@udel.edu or complete the Research Request Form.

Interested in joining a study?

Fill out a Participant Interest Form or learn more about volunteering for a study on our Get Involved page.

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Contact us at memorycenter@udel.edu