Postbellum Stories on the Land at Drayton Hall

July 22, 2024

Em Dombrovskaya, WPAMC '24 Exterior view of the main house at Drayton Hall. Photo by Em Dombrovskaya. Traveling through North and South Carolina as part of the WPAMC Southern Trip, our group visited three plantations, including Charleston’s fascinating Drayton Hall. Located in the phosphate-rich area surrounding the Ashley River, Drayton Hall is an 18th-century plantation on a 630-acre site with an imposing, Palladian-style house. In recent ...


Southern Architecture, Surveillance and Enslavement: Reflections on Lived Experiences in the Built Environment

July 15, 2024

Kelly Pedigo, WPAMC '24 Kendall Grove Plantation. Eastville, VA. Taken by the author. When I learned that the first stop on our whirlwind trip through the South would be with Bernie Herman on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, I knew we were in for an incredible adventure. At Kendall Grove Plantation, Bernie both metaphorically and literally walked us through the site’s outbuildings. We looked up at the keyhole-shaped vents of a smokehouse, at the ...


Just a Pinch! The Cult of the Chesapeake Crab

July 08, 2024

Lyric Lott, WPAMC '24 Figure 1: Image of the inspirational Chesapeake crab potato chips. Somewhere along Route 13 on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, I found myself in possession of an intriguing bag of potato chips. The bag had caught my eye during our group lunch stop with its bright colors, zany fonts, and adorable crab cartoon. Upon first sniff, the “Chesapeake crab” flavored chips gave off an aroma of Old Bay that is all too familiar to ...


Not a Creature Was Stirring, Not Even a Mouse: The Ever-Silent Drayton Hall

July 01, 2024

Laini Farrare, WPAMC '24 Figure 1: Main House at Drayton Hall, circa 1750. Photo Courtesy of Laini Farrare. Our Southern Field Study was a roller coaster of sights, sounds, and wonderful BBQ of course. Something that I thought about deeply during our travels was the emotional ride that accompanies visiting the South, with its vast landscapes, looming plantation homes, and silent presence. This silence does not only represent the audio landscape, ...