Bower, C., Zimmermann, L., Verdine, B., Fletcher, N., Toub, T., Foster, L., Islam, S., Marzouk, M., Medford, J., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (June, 2018). What’s play got to do with it?: Associations between early play experiences and STEM achievement. Poster presented at the XXI International Congress of Infant Studies Biennial Congress. Philadelphia, PA.

Bower, C., Zimmermann, L., Verdine, B., Foster, L., Islam, S., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2018, June). An Intervention’s Effects on Preschoolers’ Spatial Skills and the Moderating Role of SES. Poster presented at the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences. Pittsburgh, PA

Bower, C., Zimmermann, L., Verdine, B., Fletcher, N., Toub, T., Foster, L., Islam, S., Marzouk, M., Medford, J., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (May, 2018). Differential Effects of a Spatial Intervention on Preschoolers’ Spatial and Math Outcomes. Poster presented at the 30th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.

Zimmermann, L., Bower, C., Verdine, B., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (April, 2018). Putting the Educational in Educational App Design for Spatial Learning.  In R. M. Golinkoff & L. Zimmermann (Chairs), Designing Educational Technology for Young Children: What Does the Research Say? Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association’s conference on Technology, Mind, & Society, Washington, DC.

Zimmermann, L., Verdine, B., Foster, L., Marzouk, M., Tonob, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (April, 2018). All shapes and sizes: Promoting early STEM talk is easier than you think.  In E. Zippert (Chair), Parental support of math readiness skills: How to promote and optimize it.  Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City, NY

Ware, C., Morano, C., Zimmermann L., Foster, L., Verdine, B., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (March, 2018). Shaping Up Play Time: Influence of Toy Type on Parent-Child Interactions? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA

Zimmermann, L., Bower, C., Verdine, B., Fletcher, N., Toub, T., Foster, L., Islam, S., Marzouk, M., Medford, J., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (October, 2017). Tackling training: An analysis of performance on spatial instruction in preschool. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR

Zimmermann, L., Subiaul, F., & Barr, R. (October, 2017) What’s in a touch? Measuring preschoolers’ executive function with touchscreen assessments. Talk given at the Cognitive Development Society Digital Media and Cognitive Development Pre-conference, Portland, OR

Tonob, D., Zimmermann, L., Verdine B., Foster, L., Marzouk, M., Golinkoff, R. M. (October, 2017). Measuring parent spatial anxiety: Related to child spatial and math outcomes? Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Portland, OR

Neale, D., Morano, C., Zimmermann, L., Verdine, B., Foster, L., Marzouk, M., Tonob, D., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R. M. (October, 2017). Preschoolers ask different questions during play with standard versus alternate spatial toys. Poster  presented at the Cognitive Development Society Question Asking in Childhood Pre-conference, Portland, OR

Golinkoff, R.M., Barbieri, C., Zimmermann, L. & Shirilla, M. (August, 2017). The right kind of wrong: Learning from errors through guided play. Talk given at the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

Barbieri, C., Shirilla, M., Zimmermann, L. & Golinkoff, R.M. (June, 2017). Exploring effective features of guided play: Explanations and embodiment. Talk given at the Mini-conference on Playful Learning, Philadelphia, PA.

Zimmermann, L., Fletcher, N., Verdine, B., Toub, T., Foster, L., Islam, S., Marzouk, M., Medford, J., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (May, 2017). Can spatial instruction in preschool improve mathematics performance? Poster presented at the Math Cognition Conference, Nashville, TN

Zimmermann, L., Fletcher, N., Verdine, B., Toub, T., Foster, L., Islam, S., Marzouk, M., Medford, J., Golinkoff, R. M., Hirsh-Pasek, K. (April, 2017). Spatial instruction in preschool: Is it effective and can it improve mathematics performance? Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX

Zimmermann, L., Subiaul, F., Barr, R. (October, 2016). Developing a New Visuospatial Working Memory Touchscreen Task and Examining Executive Functioning Associations in Preschoolers. Paper presented in a symposium: Interactivity of Touchscreens and Children’s Learning at the SRCD Special Topic Meeting: Technology and Media in Children’s Development, Irvine, California.

Zimmermann, L., Nugent, C., Brito, N., & Barr, R. (July, 2015). Limits on the Bilingual Advantage in Infant Memory Generalization on a Transfer Task. Paper presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Sebastian, Spain.

Barr, R., Subiaul, F., & Zimmermann, L. (July, 2015). Imitation Practice Makes Imitation Perfect: Imitation enhances motor-spatial learning. Paper symposium-The Complexity of Imitation during Early Childhood: Biological constraints and individual differences presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Sebastian, Spain.

Zimmermann, L., Speidel, R., & Barr, R. (July, 2015). Age-related Changes and Sex Differences in Visuospatial Working Memory in 2- to 4-year-olds. Talk given at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Sebastian, Spain.

Subiaul, F., Renner, R., Schilder, B., Zimmermann, L., & Barr, R. (March, 2015). Elemental Imitation Mechanisms in Preschool Age Children. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA

Barr, R., Zimmermann, L., Speidel, R., Krajowski, E., Etz, A., & Subiaul, F. (March, 2015). Imitation practice enhances motor-spaital learning by preschoolers in a brief training study. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA

Zimmermann, L., Speidel, R., Barr, R., Brito, N., & Subiaul, F. (March, 2015). Finding the Star Faster: Overimitation versus Efficiency in Preschoolers. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA

Gerhardstein, P., Moser, A., Lee, H., Grenell, A., Zimmermann, L., & Barr, R. (March, 2015). Reversing the Transfer Deficit Effect: The Role of Ghost v. Social Demonstrator. Paper symposium presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Philadelphia, PA

Moser, A., Xiang, J., Dickerson, K., Zimmermann, L., Grenell, A., Hipp, D., Barr, R., & Gerhardstein, P. (November, 2014). Toddler’s labeling behavior predicts goal imitation success in transfer learning task. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Washington, D.C.

Speidel, R., Zimmermann, L., Nugent, C., Grenell, A., & Barr, R. (November, 2014). The impact of delay on visuospatial working memory during toddlerhood. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Washington, D.C.

Zimmermann, L., Moser, A., Dickerson, K., Grenell, A., Barr, R., & Gehardstein, P. (July, 2014). Using Puzzles to Assess the Effects of Perceptual Cues on Social Learning Strategy in 24-month-olds. Poster presented at the International Society on Infancy Studies, Berlin, Germany.

Zimmermann, L., Sharkey, C., Nugent, C., Simmons, S., Grenell, A., Brito, N., Frank, H., & Barr, R. (July, 2014). Age-related changes in Spatial Working Memory during Infancy. Poster presented at the International Society on Infancy Studies, Berlin, Germany.

Moser, A., Dickerson, K., Grenell, A., Lee, H., Zimmermann, L., Hipp, D., Barr, R., Gerhardstein, P. (November, 2013). Transfer Learning across Social Learning Contexts in 2.5 and 3-year-olds. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, CA.

Zimmermann, L., Brito, N., Mendelson, C., Barr, R., Renner, E., Schilder, B., Subiaul, F. (October, 2013). Motor-spatial Development in Preschoolers: Learning Goal Directed Actions and Gestures from Video. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society, Memphis, TN

Zimmermann, L., Brito, N., Mendelson, C., Barr, R., Renner, E., Schilder, B., Subiaul, F. (May, 2013). Imitation and Emulation Strategies in a Novel Box Task. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC

Renner, E., Zimmermann, L., Schilder, B., Mendelson, C., Golojuch, L., Subiaul, F., Barr, R. (May, 2013) Age-related changes in imitation across domains in typically developing preschoolers. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, Washington, DC

Barr, R., Moser, A., Grenell, A., Yao, C., Mendelson, C., Zimmermann, L., Dickerson, K., Gerhardstein, P. (April, 2013). Examining transfer of learning through puzzle play: The impact of context and dimensional change. Paper presented as part of a symposium on Children’s Learning from Interactive Screen Media at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA

Zimmermann, L., Dickerson, K., Moser, A., Gerhardstein, P., Barr, R., Grenell, A., Yao, Q. (April 2013). Using Puzzles to Assess the Effects of Memory Load on Social Learning Strategy in Preschool Aged Children. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA

Zimmermann, L., Barr, R., Subiaul, F., R., Renner, E., Schilder, B., Mendelson, C., Golojuch, L. (March, 2013). Development of An Imitation And Working Memory Battery For 2- To 4-Year-Olds. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY

Moser, A., Dickerson, K., Gerhardstein, P., Zimmermann, L., Oot, E., Barr, R. (October, 2012). Transfer of Learning across Dimensional Changes in 2.5-year-olds. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, New Orleans, LA

Barr, R., Subiaul, F., Zimmermann, L., Renner, E., Schilder, B., Mendelson, C. (October, 2012). A Study of Imitation and Working Memory in 2- to 4-year-olds. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, New Orleans, LA

Zimmermann, L., Brito, N., Mendelson, C., Barr, R., Renner, E., Schilder, B., Subiaul, F. (October, 2012). A Novel Box Task: Examining Imitation and Emulation Strategies in 2- to 4-year-olds. Poster presented at the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, New Orleans, LA

Zachary, C., Zimmermann, L., Oot, E., Barr, R., & Linebarger D. (June, 2012). Parent-Infant Interactions in Low Income Minority Families. Poster presented at the International Society on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MI

Zimmermann, L., Zachary, C., Finch, J.E., Van Nispen, A., Blanchfield, O., Beinfeld, S., Oot, E., Fenstermacher, S., Linebarger, D., & Barr, R. (March, 2012). Parent-Infant Interactions in Low Income Minority Families. Symposium paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association, Pittsburgh, PA



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