Current Group Member: Nick Houck

Graduate Student since Fall 2022

Education: B.S. Chemical Engineering , Minor in Energy Engineering – Penn State University

Thesis Topic: Alkane Oxidation Dehydrogenation using Borosilicate Zeolites

Research Description: Ethylene is the second most important commodity chemical in the world, second only to ammonia. However, production of ethylene via steam cracking is energy intensive and emits carbon dioxide. Nick is investigating the chemical kinetics of oxidative dehydrogenation, an alternative method of synthesizing ethylene. His work leverages the exothermic nature of oxidative dehydrogenation to advantage the reaction’s energy consumption relative to conventional ethylene production while generating less carbon dioxide.



Other fun facts or hobbies: In Nick’s free time, he often enjoys playing video games, making video games, and occasionally making a short animation. He also enjoys skating and hiking from time to time.