
  • Revival of MBASA

    The UD MBA Student Association (MBASA) is a graduate student organization chartered in 2015 with a mission to enhance the experience of UD MBA candidates through meaningful social, professional and educational activities. With the pandemic taking over the world, impacting socialization around campus and the then MBASA members graduating and moving on in their lives,…

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  • Lifting the Veil

    (Picture from the Spring Faculty/Staff Meeting reception. From L to R: Neetek Kumar, Amy Estey, Urvashi Jain) Even before the MBA Student Association officially became the board that it is today, it got a wonderful opportunity to unveil its official homecoming at the Lerner College Spring Faculty/ Staff Meeting. At this meeting, Neetek Kumar and…

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  • The Tradition of First Fridays

    Ever since the inception of the UD MBA Student Association, First Fridays have been a tradition. A tradition which started as a trial for giving a safe place to the young leaders to hone their networking skills, saw immense potential eventually. It picked up pace and before anyone could realize, it became everyone’s favorite.  So…

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