The LEADelaware agricultural leadership development program is a two-year fellowship program consisting of a series of 10 seminars. The majority of seminars take place throughout Delaware while one seminar is a study tour in Washington, D.C. and the final study tour is of an international location. LEADelaware class participants are called Fellows. LEADelaware is about providing training and information, support, direction, and resources to people who are choosing to become leaders. Skills gained through the program may be applied to activities at the home, farm, place of work, industry, all levels of government, natural resources and environmental interests, the community, organizations, etc. Ultimately, it will be up to each individual to determine how much he or she will get out of the experience and how the individual will apply what is learned. The program provides many opportunities, but it will be up to the individual on how best to utilize the training, the new contacts and networking opportunities, resources, information, and leadership examples.
In order to get as much out of the program as possible, one should review the general program expectations below. Those applying to the program should also review the Participant Agreement (contained within the application) to make sure they will be able to agree to all expectations and responsibilities.
General program expectations:
LEADelaware operates without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. LEADelaware fellows will be exposed to points of view, value systems, allegiances, and individual beliefs, which may or may not agree with their own perspectives and will be expected to operate in an environment of mutual respect and tolerance of others and their viewpoints. Fellows will also be expected to maintain their personal conduct in a manner befitting a leader in order to not damage the reputation of the Program or be subversive or disruptive to other participants.
Due to the significant time, financial resources, and in-kind donations invested in each fellow, full attendance and participation is very important and expected. Participants should expect to commit approximately 35 days in sessions and travel. Of this time, up to two-weeks may be devoted to the international trip. Please see the tentative Class VI schedule and the attendance policy in the Participant Agreement.
No doubt that you will need time to prepare and be organized so that you are ready to participate and be at your best during the seminars and to have home and work obligations met or covered so as to minimize distractions or preoccupation during the seminars. Please arrive at the seminars thinking of it as attending class in a retreat setting. Though breaks are taken throughout the day, not every seminar will offer a lot of time to make phone calls or complete other projects. Also keep in mind that phone access may be limited in times of tours or when staying at some rural facilities. Fellows are expected to be attentive and engaged with speakers, which includes taking seriously the responsibility of introducing speakers; asking thought provoking questions; and drafting thank you notes.
Most costs associated with participation in the LEADelaware program are funded by various sources of grants, donations, and tuition. On occasion though, participants will need to pay for some of their own meals, entertainment, and incidental expenses. They will also be responsible for the cost of obtaining a current passport and visas for international travel and potentially purchasing trip insurance. Participants will also need to provide their own transportation to and from sessions and may be asked to help with driving a car pool.
Email will be used to communicate important information about upcoming sessions and assignments. There will be assigned reading, project work, and meeting preparation outside of the seminars, but these will be reasonable in length.
Dress for the seminars is commonly business casual, but there are times where business attire is more appropriate. During some outdoor activities or tours, casual attire will appropriate footwear will be required. Information about what to expect during the seminar will be sent out ahead of time to help you in packing and planning.