Eligibility & Selection Process

Eligibility Requirements:

To be considered for a LEADelaware Fellowship, applicants must have the following qualifications:

  • U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident; and a resident of Delaware or working in Delaware agriculture or natural resources for at least 2 years;
  • The readiness to be away from their work, families, and other activities for the time required by theLEADelaware program.
  • An ability to travel throughout Delaware, the nation and to international destinations. Travel destinations may be outside of participants’ comfort zones; however, safety will always be a priority. Participants may spend up to 2 weeks away for the International Study Trip.
  • Leadership or emerging leadership experience in areas such as production agriculture, forestry, agribusiness, natural resources, rural or community subject areas.
  • Personal goals for improving and applying leadership abilities;
  • A willingness to fully immerse himself/herself in the leadership process.
  • An interest in being involved in our communities, the state, our country and the world; and values class diversity.
  • A commitment to applying learned skills for the benefit of agricultural and/or the natural resources-based industries of Delaware;
  • The willingness and ability to pay the $2,500 tuition by the designated due dates.
  • All applicants must submit a completed application form by November 17, 2023.

Selection Process:

The selection of applicants is the responsibility of the Selection Committee of LEADelaware which consists of program sponsors and alumni. The LEADelaware Selection Committee will review and screen all applications, conduct applicant interviews (tentatively scheduled for November 29 – December 1), and make final selection decisions. Whether selected or not, applicants will be notified on or about December 15, 2023.

The purpose of conducting applicant interviews is to allow applicants a chance to share their stories and information that may not have been captured by this application. This also allows applicants and members of the Selection Committee and LEADelaware leadership to meet in person. Lastly, the LEADelaware Program urges fellows to learn and practice a variety of skills related to leadership and professionalism – presenting in front of a panel is one way that applicants can demonstrate public speaking skills, organizational skills, and a capacity to effectively convey information.

We are looking for participants from all regions of Delaware with diversity in occupations, education, perspectives, and experience, as well as participants who will contribute to the class as well as gain something from the class. The maximum class size will be 14 participants. Applicants who are not accepted and who remain eligible, will be encouraged to reapply for the next class.

Those involved with various aspects of production agriculture are especially encouraged to apply, as there is a goal to have half of the class be representative of production agriculture. LEADelaware’s definition of agriculture is as broad as possible, including, for example, production of forest products, aquaculture, fisheries, the equine industry, greenhouse and nursery production, urban agriculture, honey bees, wine grapes, fruits, vegetables, dairy, livestock, ag-tourism, grain, poultry, etc. Tuition scholarships for producers may be available from various industry organizations.

LEADelaware operates without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. Diversity within the Fellowship group is desired. The health and safety of all class members, particularly on any national and international trips, and in activities (some of which may include physical activity) is of primary importance.

Once candidates have been selected, they will be required to read and execute the  Participant Agreement (contained within the application). Prospective applicants should review this document to ensure that they will be able to agree to these terms.

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