
Frans de Waal, Ph.D. The Surprising Science of Alpha Males. TEDMED, Palm Springs, CA: June 2018.

Narrative Medicine:

Rita Charon, M.D., Ph.D. Honoring the Stories of Illness. TEDx, Atlanta, GA: November 4, 2011.

Rita Charon, M.D., Ph.D. A Sense of Story, or Narrative Medicine for the Chaos of Illness. OHMA Columbia, Columbia University, NY: January 24, 2018.

Rita Charon, M.D., Ph.D. The Power of Narrative Medicine. CHCMCCSMTV: June 13, 2017.

JAMA Network, The House of God, July 10, 2019.

JAMA Network, The House of God: The Characters Speak, December 6, 2018.

JAMA Network, The House of God: The Enduring Impact, December 6, 2018.

JAMA Network, The House of God: Fiction, Memory, & Medicine, July 10, 2019.

Dominick LaCapra, Ph.D. Narrative Medicine: Trauma and Its After-Effects. Columbia University, NY: May 3, 2003.

Abraham Verghese, M.D. Narrative Medicine: A Colloquium. Columbia University, NY: May 2, 2003.

Reflective Writing:

James Pennebaker, Ph.D. The Secret Life of Pronouns

James Pennebaker, Ph.D. Emotional Wellbeing

 James Pennebaker, Ph.D. The Expressive Writing Method


Ronald Siegel, PsyD. What It Takes to Be Happy

Ronald Siegel, PsyD. The Science of Mindfulness


Donald Davis, How the Story Transforms the Teller. TEDx, Charlottesville, VA: December 23, 2014.

Jonathan Gottschall, Ph.D. The Storytelling Animal. TEDx, Furman University, Greenville, North Carolina: May 4, 2014.

Will Storr, The Science of Storytelling. TEDx, Manchester, UK: March 20, 2018.



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