Past Events
Check out some of the events we have hosted in the past. We will update this page after each event to show what we have learned.
EM Careers Panel - Consulting
On March 10, 2022, the University of Delaware Chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a virtual career panel with participants from emergency management consulting companies. We were honored to have panelists:
Jim Weldin, Manager CSEPP Support IEM
Chris Tarantino, Founder of Epicenter Innovation
Tanya Shannon, Deputy Director of Recovery, Hagerty Consulting
Evan Koepke, Operations Manager, Constant Associates
EM Careers Panel - Private Sector and Business Continuity
On February 17, 2022, the University of Delaware Chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a virtual career panel with participants from the private sector. We were honored to have panelists:
Lorraine Schneider, Global Crisis Manager, The Walt Disney Company; Founder of E.M. Growth Initiative
Ron Derrick, Emergency Manager, Whataburger Command Center
Charlie Salinas, Business Continuity and Emergency Manager, GM Financial
Speaker Series - Lt. Governor Dr. Hall-Long
On March 30, 2021, the University of Delaware Chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a virtual talk: Public Health, Public Service, and Disasters: Lt. Gov. Hall-Long’s COVID-19 Experience. We were honored to have the Lt. Governor share her unique and extensive experience. She shared about her role as a public health expert, a public servant, and advocate for mental health, and the role she played in managing COVID-19 in Delaware.
Speaker Series - Community Partnerships for Disaster Preparedness
On November 12, 2020, the University of Delaware Chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a virtual talk: Community Partnerships for Disaster Preparedness by Jonna Papaefthimiou from the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management. She shared her experience working with many different partners and forming relationships with underrepresented groups in the Portland, OR area.
Speaker Series - Responding to COVID-19: A Cross-Jurisdictional Look
On October 9, 2020, the University of Delaware Chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers hosted a virtual talk: Responding to COVID-19: A Cross-Jurisdictional Look. Four professional Emergency Manager panelists from local to federal jurisdictions discussed their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each panelist talked about their experience and answered audience questions.
MaryAnn Tierney – FEMA Region III, Administrator
AJ Schall – Delaware Emergency Management Agency, Director
David Tynan -City of Newark Fire Marshal & Emergency Management Coordinator
Willie Patrick- City of Wilmington Director of Emergency Management
Speaker Series - UD Emergency Manager
On April 15, 2020, chapter members met virtually with University of Delaware Emergency Manager Mark Seifert. Mark provided a presentation and answered questions about how UD handled the COVID-19 pandemic on campus, and ongoing concerns. He also shared how emergency managers were staying communicating and coordinating while working from home.
Washington DC Trip
On February 7, 2020, chapter members traveled to Washington DC to observe different facets of emergency management. The day started off with a tour of the White House. Members then met with the Smithsonian Institute Office of Emergency Management. Next up was the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative. Finally, the chapter met with the Risk Management Directorate’s Communications and Management Division at FEMA. It was a very busy day filled with new experiences across the emergency management spectrum. Thank you to everyone who met with us!
Speaker Series: Charla Marchuk and Zane Hadzick
On November 6 2019, Charla Marchuk and Zane Hadzick, floodplain mangers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, spoke to members of the University of Delaware community. They shared their experience getting into the field of emergency management and the multiple positions they had working up to their current positions.
Speaker Series: Jim Eberwine
On October 23 2019, Jom Eberwine, a retired National Weather Service forecaster and current Emergency Management Coordinator for Absecon, NJ, spoke with the University of Delaware community. He discussed his experiences as a a weather forecaster for the United States Marines, advising presidential aircraft during the Nixon administration, and forecasting for the National Weather Service.
National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter Training
NYC Trip - 9/11 Museum & Memorial, OEM Visit
Delaware Emergency Management Agency Visit
Speaker Series: UD Emergency Manager
Mark Seifert, the Emergency Manager for the University of Delaware provided an overview of his position and areas he needs to consider overusing a large campus. He shared insightful experiences of his varied career a a Delaware State Trooper to his current emergency management role. He talked about the planning process and other considerations we need to take into account for our future careers.