News & Events

December 2019
Extrave BioScience, founded by Matthew Hudson, an assistant professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, has developed technology with the potential to reverse the pathology in muscular dystrophy. This company, which grew out of University of Delaware research and is licensing UD-developed technology, was named as one of two winners of the 2019 University of Delaware FastPass competition. This program, run by the Delaware Innovation Space, will award both startups a support package valued at $50,000. Read more here.

October 2019
Dr. Hudson is a finalist in the Science Center’s QED Proof-of-Concept Program for Academic Researchers for drug delivery using cell fragments. Read more here.

May 2018
Collaborative paper published on hyperthermia and autophagy with Dr. Josh Selsby’s lab.

April 2018
Congratulations to Eric Munoz on receiving the Office of Graduate and Professional Education’s Graduate Scholar Award!

May 2018
Collaborative paper published  on DHA prevention of muscle atrophy with Dr. Russ Price’s lab.

February 2018
Collaborative paper published on oxidative stress and autophagy with Dr. Ashley Smuder’s lab

February 2018
Collaborative project Dr. Josh Selsby’s lab featured on cover of the February 2018 journal Acta Physiologica.  Link to journal here and article here

November 2017
Carina Pautz and Dr. Wilson present at the MARC ACSM conference. Here Carina Pautz discusses her extracellular vesicle research.

August 2017
Dr. Hudson briefly discussing taking antioxidant supplements while exercising with Men’s Health Magazine. Read the full article here.

May 2017
Dr. Hudson briefly discusses epsom salt baths with Tonic (Vice)

April 2017
Carolina Caban receives the Charles Hodge IV Prize in Biology.

Dr. Hudson, Carina Pautz and Carolina Caban present research at the Experimental Biology meeting in Chicago.

January 2017
Katie Pinson discusses research and working in the Hudson Lab. Read the full article here.

November 2016
At the MARC ACSM conference Katie Pinson wins the undergraduate student investigator award, Eric Munoz wins the masters of science student investigator award, and Brittany Wilson and Carina Pautz were both selected to compete in the doctoral student awards symposium.

November 2016
Carolina Caban presents her work in the lab on elucidating a blood biomarker of concussion/head impact at the MARC ACSM meeting.

Nov 2016
Are mild head impacts more dangerous than we think?