Wang, Q., Zhang, Q., Sun, W., Boulay, C., Kim, K., Barmaki, R. 2023, April. A scoping review of the use of lab streaming layer framework in virtual and augmented reality research. In VIRTUAL REALITY. Link
Baron, L. ∗, Chheang, V. ∗, Chaudhari, A., Liaqat, A., Chandrasekaran, A., Wang, Y., Cashaback, J., Thostenson, E., Barmaki, R., 2023, June. Virtual Therapy Exergame for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Using Smart Wearable Sensors. In ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONNECTED HEALTH: APPLICATIONS, SYSTEMS AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES (CHASE ’23). Link
Baron, L. ∗, Chheang, V. ∗, Chaudhari, A., Liaqat, A., Chandrasekaran, A., Wang, Y., Cashaback, J., Thostenson, E., Barmaki, R., 2023, June. Poster: Virtual Therapy Exergame for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Using Smart Wearable Sensors. In ACM/IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONNECTED HEALTH: APPLICATIONS, SYSTEMS AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES (CHASE ’23). Link
Guo, Z., Chheang, V., Li, J., Kenneth E. Barner, Anjana Bhat, and Barmaki, R. 2023, June. Social Visual Behavior Analytics for
Li, J., Bhat, A. and Barmaki, R., 2022, November. Pose Uncertainty Aware Movement Synchrony Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Graph Transformer. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION (pp. 73-82). Link
Li, J., Bhat, A. and Barmaki, R., 2022. Dyadic Movement Synchrony Estimation Under Privacy-preserving Conditions. arXiv. Link
Daher, S., Barmaki, R. and Clark, A., 2022. Immersive Technologies in Healthcare. Link
Baron, L., Wang, Q., Segear, S., Cohn, B.A., Kim, K. and Barmaki, R., 2021, November. Enjoyable Physical Therapy Experience with Interactive Drawing Games in Immersive Virtual Reality. In Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (pp. 1-8). Link
Wang, Q., Beardsley, V.J., Zhang, Q., Kim, K. and Barmaki, R., 2021, November. An LSL-Middleware Prototype for VR/AR Data Collection. In Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (pp. 1-2). Link
Guo, Z., Kim, K., Bhat, A. and Barmaki, R., 2021. An Automated Mutual Gaze Detection Framework for Social Behavior Assessment in Therapy for Children with Autism. In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 444-452). Link
Li, J., Bhat, A. and Barmaki, R., 2021, October. Improving the Movement Synchrony Estimation with Action Quality Assessment in Children Play Therapy. In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 397-406). Link
Li, J., Bhat, A. and Barmaki, R., 2021. A two-stage multi-modal affect analysis framework for children with autism spectrum disorder. arXiv. Link
Guo, Z. and Barmaki, R., 2020. Deep neural networks for collaborative learning analytics: Evaluating team collaborations using student gaze point prediction. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(6), pp.53-71. Link
Baron, L., Cohn, B. and Barmaki, R., 2020. When Virtual Therapy and Art Meet: A Case Study of Creative Drawing Game in Virtual Environments. arXiv. Link
Unberath, M., Yu, K., Barmaki, R., Johnson, A. and Navab, N., 2020. Augment Yourself: Mixed Reality Self-Augmentation Using Optical See-through Head-mounted Displays and Physical Mirrors. arXiv. Link
R. Barmaki, K. Yu, R. Pearlman, R. Shingles, F. Bork, G. Osgood, and N. Navab, “Enhancement of Anatomical Education Using Augmented Reality: An Empirical Study of Body Painting,” Journal of Anatomical Sciences Education, 2018 (impact factor: 3.2). Link
Y.M. Chiou, and R. Barmaki, “Learning Tornado Formation via Collaborative Mixed Reality,” 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR’19), Osaka, Japan.
Y.M. Chiou, “Multi-Party Mixed Reality Interaction for Earth Sciences Education,” in Proc. of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (ACM TEI’19), Tempe, Arizona, USA, pp. 719–722. Link
M. Bonham. “Augmented reality simulation toward improving therapeutic healthcare communication techniques,”. in Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion (IUI ’19). Los Angles, CA, USA. pp. 161–162. Link
R. Barmaki and C.E. Hughes, “Embodiment Analytics of Practicing Teachers in a Virtual Immersive Environment,” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Special Issue on Multimodal Data for Learning, vol.34, pp.387–396, 2018 (impact factor: 1.859). Link
R. Barmaki and C. E. Hughes, “Gesturing and Embodiment in Teaching: Investigating the Nonverbal Behavior of Teachers in a Virtual Rehearsal Environment,” Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI’18), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, pp. 7893–7899, 2018. Link
K. Yu, R. Barmaki, M. Unberath, A. Mears, J. Brey, T. Chung, and N. Navab, “On the Accuracy of Low-cost Motion Capture Systems for Range of Motion Measurements,” In Proceedings of the Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research, and Applications. (SPIE Medical Imaging 2018). Houston, Texas. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2018, 10579–10585. Link
F. Bork, R. Barmaki, U. Eck, K. Yu, C. Sandor, and N. Navab, “Empirical Study of Non-Reversing Magic Mirrors for Augmented Reality Anatomy Learning,” in Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR’17), Nantes, France, pp.169–176, 2017 (acceptance rate: 17.2%). Link
F. Bork, R. Barmaki, U. Eck, P. Fallavollita, B. Fuerst, and N. Navab, “Exploring Non-Reversing Magic Mirrors for Screen-Based Augmented Reality Systems,” in Proc. of the International Conference on IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR’17), Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp.373–374, 2017. Link
2013 – 2016
B. Minaei, R. Barmaki, M. Nasiri, “Mining Numerical Association Rules via Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms,” International Journal of Information Sciences, vol.233, pp.15–24, 2013 (impact factor: 4.83). Link
R. Barmaki, “Improving Social Communication Skills Using Kinesics,” in Proc. of the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’ 16), New York, NY, USA, pp.86–91, 2016 (ACM Student Research Competition Award). Link
R. Barmaki and C. E. Hughes, “Towards the Understanding of Gestures and Vocalization Coordination in Teaching Context,” in Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM’ 16) Raleigh, NC, USA, pp.633–635, 2016. Link
R. Beheshti, R. Barmaki, and N. Mozayani,“Negotiations in Holonic Multi-agent Systems,” Recent Advances in Agent-based Complex Automated Negotiation, vol. 638, pp.107–118, Springer, 2016. Link
R. Barmaki and C. E. Hughes, “Providing Real-time Feedback for Student Teachers in a Virtual Rehearsal Environment,” in Proc. of 17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI’15), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.531–537, 2015 (Best Grand Challenges Paper Award). Link
R. Barmaki, “Multimodal assessment of Teaching Behavior in Immersive Rehearsal Environment – TeachLivE,” in Proc. of 17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI’15), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp.651–655, 2015. Link
R. Barmaki and C. E. Hughes, “A Case Study to Track Teacher’s Gestures in Virtual Learning Environments,” in Proc. of 5th International Conference on Learning, Analytics and Knowledge (LAK’15), ACM, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA, pp. 420–421, 2015. Link
R. Barmaki, “Nonverbal Communication and Teaching Performance,” in Proc. of 7th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM’14), London, U.K., pp.441–443, 2014. Link