Congrats to 2022 CIS Honors Day Awardees from HCI Lab

Congrats to 2022 CIS Honors Day Awardees from HCI Lab

Lauren received the UD CIS Outstanding Senior Award/Paul D. Amer Meritorious Award and was able to be recognized in the 2022 College of Engineering Recognition of Academic Honors and Achievements Ceremony. Sydney received the Outstanding Sophomore Student/Paul D. Amer...
A paper was accepted at ACM SUI

A paper was accepted at ACM SUI

Our paper “Enjoyable Physical Therapy Experience with Interactive Drawing Games in Immersive Virtual Reality” was accepted at ACM SUI Conference 2021. As the first author, Lauren presented virtually. It’s her first publication and first time...
Two papers were accepted at ACM-ICMI

Two papers were accepted at ACM-ICMI

Zhang’s paper “An Automated Mutual Gaze Detection Framework for Social Behavior Assessment in Therapy for Children with Autism” was accepted at ACM-ICMI on October 2021. Full Paper Jicheng’s paper “Improving the Movement Synchrony...