Traveling in Tanger

Submitted by Amayah Sullins on the 2024 Winter ARAB program in Morocco…

In Week 2, we traveled from Chefchauan to Techwan and then to Tangier, where we stayed with host families for the next two weeks. Despite initially expecting to prefer Tangier for its beach, my experience shifted due to chaotic traffic, swift-paced drivers, and challenges in navigation. The city’s dispersed restaurants and difficult-to-hail taxis, which often overcharged when spoken to in English, added to the hurdles. Unlike Rabat, Tangier’s mountainous terrain made walking more challenging. In contrast, Rabat’s Madina captivated me with its beauty and charming shops. Exploring all these cities provided a unique adventure, immersing me in the everyday life of Moroccan people.

Although my time in Tangier didn’t start off enjoyable, excursions and the company of classmates enhanced my overall experience. We spent the weekend in Granada, Spain, which, despite its rich Islamic history, was disheartening due to the evident transformation by the Spanish. The city displayed pig decorations everywhere, creating an unwelcoming atmosphere. On a free day, I explored a cathedral with Islamic references and a statue of Queen Isabel telling Christopher Columbus he could explore the New World. Witnessing a peaceful protest supporting Palestinians added a unique and moving dimension to my experience.

Returning to Tangier on the ferry was a beautiful but motion-sickness-inducing journey. Although Tangier’s beach fell short of expectations, Rabat’s overall experience surpassed them. The contrast in driving styles and the convenience of navigating Rabat’s attractions contributed significantly to my preference. As I reflect on the adventure, it’s evident that my preconceived notions were reshaped by the unique qualities and experiences each city offered. (Submitted during Week 2)

The Big Five

I am playing with one of the kids at the orphanage.

Submitted by Nicole Virzi on the 2024 Winter CRJU program in South Africa

While in South Africa, I have had the opportunity to work with children in an orphanage. The Children range from newborns to around 10 years old, all with different stories. Many of the Children have faced abuse, and have been there since they were born. The children are bright, funny, creative and kind to one another. The staff here is amazing, taking care of each child as if they were their own. One day, our group made lunch for the children, and we made them ham and cheese croissant sandwiches. The children loved it, and said it was their first time having a croissant. Most days we did various odd chores, whether that included folding laundry, mopping, or helping cook meals, but most of our time there included just playing with the children. I really connected with so many of the children and was heart broken when our time with them was over. (Submitted on January 23, 2024)

In the Wild at Kruger Park

Submitted by Juan Aguinaga on the 2024 Winter SOCI program in South Africa…

We departed on our six and a half hour drive to the province of Limpopo in order to reach Kruger National Park, a wildlife sanctuary revered for its stunning natural beauty and common sightings of exotic beasts. The ride itself was tiresome, but manageable due to the excitement we all had to arrive at the location. Nothing of note happened on the ride, although there were many scenic landscapes surrounding us that captivated our attention.

On arrival at our lodge we were informed that we were the only ones booked for the week so essentially we had a private lodge which included a pool, private chef, and a location right next to a watering hole at our disposal. As we settled in we simultaneously got ready for our first drive on the land. We set off once more on a two hour drive around Kruger Park, which was incredible. That afternoon we saw Elephants, Giraffes, and warthogs to name a few of the animals. We stopped for what the locals call a sundowner; a drink you have in a picturesque location while watching the sunset. After our sundowners we departed back to the lodge to finally get some rest.

The next day came and started at 5:30 am. Our days were scheduled to go on an early morning drive, rest in the afternoon, and another drive at around 6. Unfortunately the rest of the days were cloudy and rainy, but regardless that didn’t stop the animals from coming out. We saw many exotic animals once again which made bearing the rain worth it. The food we were provided was excellent, with an assortment of fresh fruit, vegetables, and unique dishes every night.

I’m going to skip forward a little bit at this point, to a very unique experience we all shared. On the third day on our afternoon drive we were attempting to find any animals but were having no luck. We stopped for our sundowners and shortly after our guide received a message from one of the other rangers. We reached the location that the ranger was told and there we all saw a pack of lions. Two adolescent males, one female, and about 8-10 cubs. It was surreal to say the least. Seeing so many lions up close in the wild was an experience I will never forget. That was our last evening drive of the trip, and the next day the rainy weather finally subsided and we departed back to Pretoria, where we were staying.

Never would I have thought that I would be in the wild like that, but Kruger Park helped me live out an experience of a lifetime. (Submitted on January 22, 2024)

The Drive of a Lifetime

Submitted by Alexis Predmore on the 2024 Winter SOCI/CRJU program in South Africa…

Week 3 of our study abroad trip to South Africa was filled with some of the best days of my life. January 16th started out with a 6 1/2-hour ride to Kruger National Park. This drive was a great bonding time for us students because we told jokes, riddles, and talked a great deal. Many of us were excited for the safari, but we were not exactly sure of what was to come.

Upon arriving, we were picked up in a safari vehicle and got to see elephants bathing in mud. This was my first-time seeing elephants in the wild, so it was a surreal experience. We then had a warm welcome from the workers, which created a friendly environment. 

The best game drive we went on was in the evening of January 17th. While out on the land, we saw many animals, including giraffes, elephants, buffalos, antelopes, zebras, lions, and the most colorful birds I have ever laid my eyes on. In addition, we got to overlook many mountains, and see the best views.

The next day, we got the opportunity to ride ATVs throughout the land. While driving, we saw antelope, elephants, and many giraffes. Due to the ATVs being closer to the ground than the safari cars, we were able to see how truly large these animals are. These drives are memories that will never be forgotten. (Submitted on January 20, 2024)

South Africa’s Different Lifestyles

2 of the beautiful buildings we saw at University of Pretoria

Submitted by Alexis Predmore on the 2024 Winter SOCI/CRJU program in South Africa…

After spending a week in South Africa, we were all filled with excitement. Being able to visit a cheetah reserve, many different towns, as well as historical sites were some of the best times in this past week. 

During week 2, we got the opportunity to visit the University of Pretoria, which was gorgeous. While there, we completed History of South Africa classes, with a professor from the university. Taking a class from a professor from another country was a great experience. We were able to learn about many different tribes, such as the Zulu, Khoikhoi, Xhosa, and Bushman. We then also learned more about the history of Apartheid. 

In addition, every day before this class, we got the opportunity to help at a day care. On Tuesday, January 9th, we had the honor to meet the kids, ages 4 months to 8 years old. From the moment we walked in the door, the room was filled with joy and laughter. In the day care, we were able to play with the kids, help in the kitchen, and freshen up the paint. We attended the day care for 5 days, and all 5 days were filled with smiles. This week was very memorable and important. (Submitted on January 20, 2024)

Learning from the Hadzabe

The arrow I made

Submitted by Carolyn Anderson on the 2024 Winter ENWC program in Tanzania

Today we had quite the exciting day with the Hadzabe, Tanzania’s last remaining hunter-gatherer community! We started off the day learning about their tools and equipment, including a tool similar to an axe and hammer combined, their bows, different types of arrows, and the tools that women use for digging. We then ventured away from our campsite in order to collect sticks for arrow making. While we were out, we were able to watch a few of the Hadza harvest honey from not one, but two beehives. And different species, at that! I was so impressed with how easily they found both hives, as I would have had no idea that either of them were there in the trees I was walking right past. The way they created a fire to smoke the bees in the first hive really reminded me of how I smoke my bees at home to mask their alarm pheromone before I work the hive. It made me wonder if modern beekeepers got their knowledge of using smoke from hunter/gatherers like the Hadzabe, or how that knowledge came to be in the first place. After we collected our sticks, we spent the rest of the morning turning them into hours. We used fire to heat the sticks so we could peel off the bark and bend them straight using our teeth and hands. We used kudu tendons to attach the francolin feathers to the end. At every step of the arrow making process, I was continuously impressed by how skilled the Hadza were at making such important tools out of seemingly simple parts. I also really enjoyed getting to make beaded bracelets with the women, as I enjoy similar crafts in my own life. It was great to learn a new way of doing it. After that, I was able to try my hand at using their bows and arrows. It was a lot harder than the fancy compound bows and plastic arrows I am used to, but I didn’t do too shabby. I don’t think I’m quite qualified to hunt with the Hadza yet, but today was a good step in the right direction! (Submitted on January 21, 2024)

Trying out their bow and arrows

Safari Kruger National Park and Robben Island

Submitted by Mollie Kline on the 2024 Winter SOCI program in South Africa

This past week we went on a Safari in Kruger National Park. We saw many animals and the wildlife was beautiful. The landscape was also amazing and meeting the people there was very cool as well. (Submitted on January 21, 2024)

We visited Robben Island this week and learned about the people that used to live there and the buildings that were built. We toured the jail and saw where Nelson Mandela’s cell was. (Submitted on January 26, 2024)

Settling Down in Tangier, Morocco

Submitted by Thomas Elia on the 2024 Winter LLCU program in Morocco…

A view into downtown Tangier down a street lined with orange trees

In the second week of our travels in Morocco, we finally settled down in the city of Tangier. We met up with our host families as soon as we arrived and my roommate and I were greeted by our host family with inviting smiles and welcoming hugs. Once we reached their home, we were introduced to the rest of their family, including the three brothers, whom I have since grown more and more close with. The biggest obstacle that I have had to overcome with this experience so far is the communication barrier. Having only taken a single elementary level Arabic class so far, my skills in the language are not as advanced as I would have wished for them to be. Because of this, however, I feel more encouraged to develop my skills more quickly so that I can better communicate with my host family. Even after just a few days with this family, I felt right at home. Every meal that we have had with the family has been delicious and unique, from chicken tagine and couscous to liver sandwiches. They have taken time out of their lives to host us, teach us about their culture, their dialect of Arabic and much more and I am extremely grateful for that. Looking ahead at the coming week, we are spending the second half of the week and the weekend in Granada, Spain. When we return back to Tangier we will only have about 3 days before we leave our host family and head south for the last week of our trip. These past two weeks have flown by and I can only expect the next two to go by even more quickly. With this in mind I can only be present and thankful for the situation I am in and the people I am surrounded by. Here’s to new experiences and new friends! (Submitted on January 16, 2024)

New Beginnings: A House of Hope

Submitted by Juan Aguinaga on the 2024 Winter SOCI/CRJU program in South Africa…

My mother ran a daycare when I was around 5 years old. She ran it out of our home, and I always will have fond memories of the years I spent with the other children she looked after.

As we prepared for our trip to South Africa during our orientation meetings, we were told of the opportunity we would be getting to take care of children housed in a home where abandoned and abused children are housed. I was not expecting this experience to touch my heart in the way it did. Going into it, I was thinking how at one point I was the one being taken care of, and now I would be in the role of the caretaker.

My mother always told me it was exhausting to take care of children, but I was not expecting it to be as tiresome as it was. As soon as we walked into the house we saw the clutter of children in the playroom. We settled down our things and walked over to them after being introduced to the workers. As soon as I walked over to them I was greeted with tiny hugs from every angle and outstretched hands looking to be carried. I made myself comfortable with the children and began to carry them around and play for around an hour before I started to understand what my mom used to tell me about. I felt like an old man with them and as I pleaded with them for a small break. Although they didn’t listen to my request, it didn’t bother me.

We were told that what the kids needed most was love, the love that they were stripped of from their parents either because of neglect, abuse, or abandonment. It made me happy in a different way than I’m used to being happy. The pure joy radiating from the children was contagious. The day with them ended. My back ached and my muscles were sore, so as soon as I hit the bed I prepared myself for the next day with them and fell asleep. It was a rough morning waking up but I was eager to see the kids again.

Day 2 was very similar to the one before but with more comfort and trust with each other. On this day, I engaged more with a certain three-year-old toddler named Nicki. Her mental development had been severely stunted due to the conditions of her home where she was subjugated to abuse and extreme neglect. I came to find out later that she had found refuge in the home along with her 5 siblings. She wasn’t able to communicate in the conventional ways but instead relied on noises and pointing to convey what she wanted. As much as I was growing to care for all of the children I was spending time with, seeing that child be happy had an impact on me the most. The rest of the days were more of the same but with more enthusiasm going into them.

I’m approaching my final day at the home, with this experience ending tomorrow. I’m prepared for a very hard goodbye, but am extremely grateful for having the opportunity to have shared smiles with all the children. (Submitted on January 14, 2024)

A Day in Soweto

Submitted by Juan Aguinaga on the 2024 Winter SOCI/CRJU program in South Africa…

To have the privilege to be in South Africa and experience the activities I currently am was inconceivable to me not too long ago. Although I have only been here for around a week, I’ve been exposed to a completely different, yet familiar life to that in Newark.

We took a day trip to a town called Soweto, infamous for the history of its inception, while also known for the influential figures it has produced such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Right off the bat, the drive to Soweto was interesting because the further you go into the township, the more the contrast between poverty and privilege becomes evident. A lot of the beauty of South Africa comes from the culture, but with that also comes the major division of culture.

As we exited the vans we came in it felt as if I was transported to a different country to the one I was just in a mere 45 minutes ago. All the elegant infrastructure transformed into a dilapidated version of what I had already become accustomed to. We were quickly met by our tour guide, who welcomed us warmly and made us feel welcomed to the new area. We walked through the unpaved dirt roads with children running around us until we made it to a specific tin house. The family who lived there consisted of around 6 people, who shared only 3 rooms. The one room I saw the inside of functioned simultaneously as a bedroom, kitchen, and living room.

As we left their home our tour guide showed us more of the township, and while viewing from the perspective of outsiders, the conditions seemed very rough, the inhabitants were proud to call it their home. The perseverance of man was made visible through the ways the residents modified things to suit their needs. One example of this was their home made power grids which allowed their homes to work off of electricity; the government does not supply the people of Soweto with electricity which is why this is needed.

We eventually parted ways with our tour guide and gave him many thanks for showing us around the area. Because Soweto is the largest township in South Africa it made it difficult to see a lot of it but we hit the major spots, such as Nelson Mandela’s house. Being the prolific historical figure he is, it meant a lot to stand in the spot he once did. It truly was a special moment.

We ate dinner afterwards and enjoyed traditional South African food, which I was delighted to indulge in. Truthfully it was a very memorable day in which I learned a lot. I hope to visit the unique area once again in order to learn more about the history and to firsthand experience the culture there once more. (Submitted on January 14, 2024)