Last Week in Spain

Submitted by Shakira Chowdhury on the 2024 Winter SPAN program in Barcelona, Spain…

My study abroad session is coming to an end and regardless of the bitter-sweet feeling, I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity. Obviously, I’ve been homesick and am excited to go home and see family, friends, etc. At the same time, though, I am sad to leave such a beautiful country where I made new friends, visited new places, and learned so much. During our last weekend together, our class program took a day trip to Seville, the capital of Andalusia. It was such an amazing city and like nothing I’ve seen during my time in Spain. The architecture, monuments, views, and parks were spectacular! I’m glad we ended all of our excursions with this excursion because it was definitely my favourite. Now, I’ve just been focusing on my exams which obviously no one wants to do on a trip abroad. However, going to school while “vacationing” has added a sense of routine and normalcy during my time here. It feels as though I am a fellow civilian in Granada, walking to class everyday and enjoying the weekends with friends like everyone else. The combination of school and travel has been a great mix that I wasn’t expecting to enjoy, but I’m glad it worked out that way. As I say my goodbyes to the city, people, and memories, I will make sure to harness all the experiences and knowledge I’ve gained on this trip to continue broadening my spanish skills, navigate future travel plans, and learn more. (Submitted on January 28, 2024)