Denmark: Dealing with Homesickness

Submitted by Emma Lyles on the 2020 spring semester DIS program in Copenhagen, Denmark…

Homesickness is tricky, but sometimes dealing with it is as simple as getting the correct pen. Once the honeymoon phase of my week was over, I found myself not only missing home, but missing the friends and experiences I had in my previous study abroad to Italy. I was starting to compare them and feeling a little down that they were not going the exact same way. Everything in Copenhagen is wonderful, but it didn’t quite feel like home in the way that Italy did. I stumbled upon a stationary store as I need school supplies and by chance found one single pack of the only pens I used in Italy. I swear they are the best pens in the world and I have tried many different companies in the United States, but nothing comes close. I quickly grabbed them and made my purchases and though it didn’t cure my homesickness, it gave me a large sense of comfort. It gave me back a normal part of my routine, and helped my desk become a little more me.