Submitted by Sam Williamson on the 2024 Winter BISC program in Paris …
After arriving in Paris, our group took a boat tour along the River Seine. The tour started at dusk and as night approached, the city lit up. The Eiffel Tower sparkled, the streets were illuminated by street lamps, and the shimmering lights reflected off of the river. Seeing the Eiffel Tower was a surreal experience and it was even more beautiful than I could have imagined. There were people sitting along the river’s edge drinking wine, spending time together, and admiring the Eiffel Tower. I felt so grateful to be there and was so excited to start this journey with my new friends I made in the program. The next day, some of us went to brunch to become closer and explore the city together. We found a restaurant on TikTok, called La Favorite, that had beautiful pink flowers covering the outside and strung from the ceiling throughout. We sat, talked, and laughed for hours while sipping on iced lattes and eating French crepes. After we had our delicious brunch, we took photos of each other outside of the restaurant and stopped into the Musee d’Orsay, which is free for students, where we saw a spectacular Van Gogh exhibit. (Submitted on January 22, 2024)