Submitted by Kat Severson on the 2024 Winter SPAN program in Costa Rica …

Vulcán Irazú might be my favorite excursion thus far. Everything from the ride up the mountain to the spectacular view, to the coffee in the gift shop was incredible! I enjoyed getting out of Heredia and stretching my legs, breathing in the clean, fresh, rural, Cartago air. Throughout the whole bus ride up the mountain, I did not stop looking out the window. I was amazed by the views and looking at all the small local farms. As an agriculturist spending most of my life living on a farm, it feels good to be in that atmosphere (plus I miss my goats). The views of the Central Valley and the surrounding mountain ranges were incredible, I took so many pictures. Once at the top of Irazú, I took in all the cold fresh air I could, it was so nice being away from the sticky heat for a little bit and also to be out in nature. The views from the top of the volcano were astonishing, I took a seat and just took it all in. Though volcanoes are dangerous and at times unpredictable, they are very important to the lands. When they erupt, they provide rich nutrients to soils, which is why the land in the valley is so fertile and able to support the growing of many different crops. Hence why many farms can be found in the mountainsides, especially coffee. When erupting, volcanoes also release valuable organic material such as pumice, gold, opal, mercury, and other metals. Some of these precious stones and gems can be good for the economy. Carbon Dioxide and hydrogen gasses are also released during eruptions, which in moderation, can be good for the environment. I greatly appreciated being out in nature and seeing the natural wonders that the world created. And there was something so exhilarating looking down at a (kind of) active volcano. (Submitted on January 22, 2024)