Italy: Amazing Architecture

Submitted by Alison Spiller on the 2022 winter session program in Italy sponsored by the Department of Philosophy…

The first thing we saw when we landed in Rome was Saint Peters Basilica. It stood taller and more magnificent than most buildings I’ve seen in my life. We visited the Piazza del Populo next and went inside St. Maria. This plaza was where one of the last burnings took place. St. Maria del Populo Church was the first church we went into during our stay and it’s beauty was overwhelming. The third day we, visited the Colosseum, although are still waiting for our tour of the inside which will be at the end of the month. I was too stunned to speak when I first saw it – saying it was enormous would be an understatement. We were told that it was covered in marble originally and was like the ancient “Home Depot”. The ancient Romans were amazing architects. Whenever the Romans needed anything, they would simply come to the Colosseum and take whatever materials they needed to build. Then, we visited the first Christian church in the world, San Giovanni, and it was breathtaking. We also visited a crypt and the catacombs of Rome which fit over 500,000 people and it is 13 miles long.

St. Peter’s Basilica
St. Maria del Populo Church


Trevi Fountain
San Giovanni – 1st Christian Church
Ancient Roman Forum