Submitted by Emily Greco on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Hawaii sponsored by the College of Education and Human Development…
As I look back on my month in Hawaii, I feel so much gratitude for the experiences I got to have, and the people I’ve been able to meet. It’s interesting because I crammed so much exploring, and learning all into one month that it seems like it lasted forever, yet at the same time feels like it went by faster than I could have imagined. As the [program comes to a close, I am filled with emotions, mostly sadness, that I can’t spend forever in Hawaii. Traveling is such a beautiful adventure, but it’s hard to fall in love with new places and have to say good-bye. I’ve decided to use the Hawaiian phase “A hui hou” which means “until we meet again”, to remind myself it doesn’t have to be good-bye. Spending this month in Hawaii has made me want to set short and long term goals so that I can move there as I finish with my education. I never knew somewhere could feel so much like home. I’m so grateful for the experience, it’s been life changing.