Submitted by Margaret Costello on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Argentina sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures…
This week, I spent a lot of time going to see modern and contemporary art. Buenos Aires is one of the biggest capitals in Latin America for contemporary art. The first museum that I visited was the MALBA, or the Museo de Arte Latin-americano de Buenos Aires. This museum was really cool because it had a lot of famous artists that really define Latin America. For instance, I was able to see the famous Frieda Kahlo with the monkey and the Parrot on her shoulder. The second place I went to see modern art this week was not a museum, but it was the Cultural Center Recoleta. This place is super cool and it is free and open to any and everyone. This place is filled with lots of contemporary art that changes every month. One of the exhibits this month was a feminist one with lots of political art. This was really cool because it is very reflective of the time as women are trying to legalize the right to abortion. If I lived in Buenos Aires, I would be at this place every day because it is a great place to meet other people my age as well as just a place to hang out and study in an open and free environment.