New Favorite Destination: Barcelona, Spain!

Submitted by Danielle Tahan on the 2019 fall semester program in London, England…

I experienced the most magical weekend in Barcelona, Spain! I absolutely fell in love with this city and definitely plan on returning in the near future. I have never been in a city that was a beautiful balance of a tropical, yet urban environment. Everywhere I explored had breathtaking views of a variety of tropical trees and stunning buildings.

This trip was especially enjoyable because of the freedom we had and the bliss that followed. We meandered through the city and stopped wherever we found interesting and stumbled across  several gems of the city. It’s incredible to notice the difference in my capabilities this far into my journey abroad. My friends and I navigated around the city so confidently and independently, something that I would have never imagined myself capable of doing just a few months ago.

I am eager to seek opportunities to spend a longer amount of time in Spain. It’s exhilarating to find new places that you have a genuine connection to. Fortunately, I will be returning to Spain at the end of my program, so I am looking forward to that even more now!

View from Park Guell
Citadel Park
Can Baro
Sagrada Familia