Discovering Prague, Czech Republic

Submitted by Isabelle on the 2019 spring semester study abroad program in Rome, Italy…

This weekend, my roommates and I took a trip to Prague. The most difficult part about the trip, which we did not anticipate, was the vast difference between Prague and the other parts of Europe we have previously visited. The money is in Czech Korunas and it was very difficult to do the math as 15 dollars is about 350 Korunas. Everywhere we went, we were very concerned and confused about if things were cheap or expensive. We were so used to not tipping from Italy, that when we found out in Prague you have to tip, it rattled us more than it should have. Other than the difficulties we encountered, Prague was filled with beautiful architecture. We saw many castles and pretty buildings. We went to a garden that had peacocks casually walking around. I noticed the similarities between Times Square and the popular tourist square in Prague, as both had people dressed up in giant character costumes that try to solicit money after you take their picture.