Greece: Future Career Plans

Submitted by Skylar DiBerardinis on the 2019 winter session program in Athens, Greece sponsored by the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences…

My study abroad experience truly changed my life. I always knew that I wanted to be in healthcare, but this program really solidified my passion and future career plan. The three weeks I spent shadowing in Attikon and KAT hospitals in Athens taught me more than I could ever imagine. I not only grew academically, but personally and professionally as well.

I went into this program with little to no knowledge of the Greek healthcare system, and I honestly thought it would be relatively similar to the United States, but I was wrong. First of all, resources in these hospitals were very low, and they lacked things we would take for granted in the United States. Despite these difficulties, these doctors showed a level of passion and dedication that was truly inspiring. Even after working 24+ hour shifts, these doctors still took the time to teach us in English (a language many of them did not speak natively). I was so grateful for the ability to learn from these amazing people. This was one of the best experiences of my life and I will take the lessons I learned with me as I advance in my professional career.