Submitted by Meghan Bennett on the 2019 winter session program in Bermuda sponsored by the School of Marine Science & Policy…
From the very beginning of our time in Bermuda, it was very important to all of us to give back to the community in some way. During our first week here, we worked with the staff at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) to remove invasive species such as the Mexican Pepper, and plant natives such as Olivewood and Cedar. This week, we continued to give back to the community by hosting an outreach event for Bermudian middle and high school students. Students from around Bermuda were invited to BIOS to learn about marine robotics ranging from drones and AUV’s (autonomous underwater vehicles) to solar powered boats. Before coming to Bermuda, I had never heard of or learned about many of the robotics we were tasked with teaching the students about, so needless to say, I was a little nervous. Despite my reservations, it turned out to be an extremely rewarding experience. The students got the chance to use and learn about robotics that very few people ever get to use. It was also nice to see that they knew way more about marine science than I did at that age, and were clearly engaged in what we teaching them. The event also gave all of us Delaware students a chance to learn more about life in Bermuda and Bermudian culture. After these experiences, I plan on making it a priority of mine to give back to the community wherever my future travels take me.