London Feels Familar

Submitted by Charlotte Talis on the 2016 summer session program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Art…

So far, London feels like an overnight trip to NYC. With everyone speaking English, I don’t feel like I’ve left the States. There are a few differences though, the Tube is so big and open compared to the NYC Subway and a lot easier to navigate. You have to look the opposite way when you cross the street, all the cereals have different names and all the taxi cabs look like they drove out of an episode of Sherlock Holmes. Plus, we have a washer and dryer in one machine and it’s in the kitchen. Not to mention, I constantly forget my family is five hours behind me so I can’t send them photos in the morning my time and expect a reply. I’m hoping I start to feel like I’m in a different country soon, which will probably happen after we do some of the tourist activities.Phone Booth Charlotte Talis 16J London VC sm