Submitted by Brittany DiFilippo on the 2014 winter session study abroad program in London, England sponsored by the Department of History…
My name is Brittany DiFilippo, and I was fortunate enough to be admitted into the London study abroad program for winter 2014. Let me start off by saying that I was absolutely terrified to go on the plane before the trip, actually giving me anxiety about a week before we left. The last time I had been on a plane was a trip when I was about nine to Florida, so I was a little bit unaware of what to expect. The fact that I pushed through my fears and managed to make the plane ride without any panic attacks was enough of an accomplishment for me. When I landed in London, I still could not believe that I was actually there. The place that I had seen in movies and TV shows was finally in front of me, I was actually walking through it and seeing these buildings that I had learned about in history, and as everyday passes I get more and more grateful that I was able to come here. Our first day here, we did a brief run-through of the major points of the city, including visiting Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, and Buckingham Palace. I feel like I have done more walking on the trip than I have done my entire life, but everything is so fascinating to look at that you do not even realize you have walked 5 miles until you start walking back. Other great sites we have visited include Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tate Modern Museum, The Tower of London, and Parliament, which was my personal favorite. We had a great tour guide who did a great job of explaining the history of the government and of the building itself. It was awesome to learn about and see a place that has been so influential on the history of not only England, but of the world. The week has gone by slowly and I am thankful, because when it is time to leave this place I know that I will be heartbroken. It is my plan to make the most of everything and visit as much of London as I can.