Future Faculty Workshop


JUNE 26 – 28, 2023 at TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY

The 2023 FFW Diverse Leaders for the Future workshop will provide mentorship to senior graduate students and postdoctoral fellows aspiring to become independent academic researchers in the broad areas of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, and Polymer Science, with a focus on soft materials and biomaterials.  Eminent professors and workshop alums will cover topics such as the faculty application process, interviewing, proposal writing, networking, choosing research directions, research management, and publication/presentation skills.  The workshop will include numerous discussions, breakout sessions, and active-learning scenarios, and a mentee/mentor ratio of 3:1 will be maintained to encourage personalized mentoring.  Applications from minorities, women, and other groups underrepresented in science and engineering are especially encouraged.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications will open February 15th and close April 3rd. A link will be provided to submit application through a Google form. Applicant must upload 1) CV – two page maximum and 2) a personal statement of research interests and career goals – one page maximum. A letter of recommendation for the applicant from one or more faculty members should also be provided. Further details about application materials and recommendation letters will be provided on or before April 3, 2023. Travel, accommodations, and meals will be provided.

6/26 Check-in

3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

6/26 Program

5:00 – 10:00 p.m.

6/27 Program

8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

6/28 Program

8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Co-Director of Future Faculty Workshop

Thomas H. Epps, III

Professor, University of Delaware

Co-Director of Future Faculty Workshop

Rodney Priestley

Professor, Princeton University

Co-Director of Future Faculty Workshop

Herdeline (Digs) Ardoña

Assistant Professor, UC Irvine

Co-Director of Future Faculty Workshop

LaShanda T.J. Korley

Professor, University of Delaware

Co-Director of Future Faculty Workshop

Emily Pentzer

Associate Professor, Texas A&M University

Future Faculty Workshop is an initiative (pending official award) of the
National Science Foundation


We are grateful for generous workshop support provided by:

  • National Science Foundation (pending official award)
  • University of Delaware (Center for Research in Soft matter and Polymers; Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials; Center for Plastics Innovation)
  • Texas A&M University (Departments of Chemistry, and Materials Science and Engineering)
  • Princeton University
  • University of California, Irvine (Center for Complex and Active Materials)