Education & Workforce Development

The Delaware Energy Institute strives to engage and inspire future generations on the essential topics of energy use and conservation. Our education and workforce development activities focus on teaching and enhancing critical workforce skills, arming individuals with the knowledge and know-how needed to succeed in an energy-dependent world. Listed below are the numerous energy-related offerings and resources available at the University of Delaware.

Keep Closed

ECON 320 – Energy Economics

Uses economic theory to examine the operation and efficiency of energy markets. Topics include regulation, energy efficiency and emission control, and public policies affecting energy markets.

ELEG 303 – Electricity from Sunlight

Introduction to generating electricity with solar energy, such as the photovoltaic system on the University Field House. Course content is directed to non-electrical engineering undergraduate students. Students pursuing degrees in the basic sciences, business, accounting, education and other engineering fields would all benefit.

ELEG 415 – Electric Power and Renewable Energy Systems

Introduction to electric power systems and interfaces with renewable energy sources. Covers electric power generation, transmission, distribution; residential, commercial, and industrial systems; components, operation, losses, metering and load management.

ELEG 437 – Energy Systems

Energy flows are examined in our society including all sources, conversions and conversion efficiencies, and end uses. Both existing and alternative energy sources are presented, especially with regard to total resource availability. Thermodynamics of conversion efficiency is covered, as well as efficiency measures available in end use.

ELEG 628 – Solar Energy Technology and Application

This course will take the student from understanding the photovoltaic (PV) effect in a p-n junction solar cell all the way to the impact of gigawatts of power on our grid. Students will understand the critical issues in photovoltaic (PV) research, manufacturing, cost, performance and deployment. We learn how to calculate how much energy is harvested at a given location for different module configurations and how light leads to the generation of current and voltage in a solar cell.  The design, processing and manufacturing of various PV cell and module technologies is covered in detail. Students will learn to design and analyze off-grid and grid-connected systems. The economics and integration challenges residential, commercial and centralized PV power systems are discussed. The class has a lab where students apply the basic concepts of parallel and series circuits and solar modules, impact of module tilt and temperature, and battery charging. Class is open to Engineering seniors and graduate students.

ENEP 117 – Science, Society and Energy

Basic science and societal issues related to energy production process and effects of their uses. Topics include ethics of energy production and uses, scientific principals that govern production and use of energy, environmental issues related to the use of energy, e.g., global warming, acid rain.

ENEP 250 – Introduction to Energy Policy

Introduces field of energy policy and provides a review of the role of social, economic, political, and environmental factors in shaping the energy sector. Surveys policy, technical and economic assessments of key energy options needed to achieve a more sustainable world and the appropriate policy mechanisms to implement these options.

ENEP 425 – Energy Policy and Administration

Analyzes energy use and energy policy with respect to politics, society, economics, political economy, technology, resources, and environment. Focuses on interrelationships among energy, environment, economy and equity (E4). It considers the energy policy options needed to achieve a more sustainable world.

ENEP 427 – Sustainable Energy: Economics and Policy Analysis

Examines existing policy responses to climate change, alongside opportunities for a redirected political economy to achieve energy and environmental conditions with meaningful CO2 reductions. Specific attention given to possibilities and limits of scientific knowledge and technology in galvanizing social change.

ENEP 460 – Financial Analysis for Sustainable Energy

Interest in sustainable energy options has grown with their wider adoption. For large-scale deployment, sustainable energy options should be financially attractive. Teach students how to conduct financial analysis for sustainable energy to quantify benefits and associated costs. Covers primary financial evaluation methods. Study time value of money, cash flow equivalence, cost-benefit analysis, before and after tax cash flow, rate of return analysis and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE). Learn how to use renewable energy performance and financial modeling tools and will be able to evaluate impact of policies on their financial performance.

ENEP 468 – Research in Energy and Environment

Examines advanced research concepts, methods and findings in the fields of energy and environment. Explores topics in support of student research with a focus on sustainability issues in Northern and Southern countries.

ENEP 470 – Readings in Energy and Environment

Explores a range of concepts, issues and phenomena associated with energy and environmental policy. Allows student and instructor to interact dynamically in crafting a readings list building upon the student’s interest in given topics. Successful completion of course should allow student to prepare a research paper summarizing key material and analyzing its substantive relevance to thematic concerns in the student’s plan of study.

ENEP 485 – Senior Seminar in Energy and Environmental Policy

Expose ENEP students to the wide range of work that is being done on local, national and global levels related to Energy and Environment as well as to make students aware of the work and events that are happening on the UD campus in this area. Invited speakers will cover a vast range of topics including presentations on soft energy pathways, the conscious and unconscious effects on the environment and their mitigation strategies, Anthropocene to anthropocentricity, Buddhist Physics and Buddhist Economics, etc.

ENSC 370 – Energy on Earth

Reviews all energy types available on Earth (including coal, petroleum, natural gas, nuclear, geothermal, hydro, wind, solar, wave, tidal, and biomass), energy sources and end uses, energy resource assessments, energy conversions, energy system impacts on the environment, and future energy scenarios.

GEOG 236 – Conservation: Global Issues

Introduces the global nature of resources management and discusses the relationships between population growth, the market economy, agricultural production and mineral and energy exploitation, worldwide.

GEOG 413 – Meteorological processes for wind energy

Explores the fundamental concepts of meteorology that are needed to understand onshore, offshore, and airborne wind energy. Topics include: forces affecting winds; terrain and land-use effects; air turbulence; numerical modeling; wind power and energy from turbines; and wind measurement technologies.

MAST 413 – Meteorological processes for wind energy

Explores the fundamental concepts of meteorology that are needed to understand onshore, offshore, and airborne wind energy. Topics include: forces affecting winds; terrain and land-use effects; air turbulence; numerical modeling; wind power and energy from turbines; and wind measurement technologies.

MAST 439 – Renewable Energy & Climate: Law, Regulation and Environment

Introduction to US laws and regulations pertaining to greenhouse gases and the generation, transmission, and integration of renewable energy into the electrical, transportation and building heat systems. Explores judicial opinions but also considers technical and scientific sources.

MAST 480 – Renewable Energy and Climate: Law, Regulation and Environment

Introduction to US laws and regulations pertaining to greenhouse gases and the generation, transmission, and integration of renewable energy into the electrical, transportation and building heat systems. Explores judicial opinions but also considers technical and scientific sources.

MSEG 470 – Solar Energy

Considers the basics of solar energy utilization. Emphasis on photovoltaic systems, including inorganic and organic based systems, as well as hybrid solar cells, followed by consideration of passive and active usage such as solar thermal power.

PHYS 143 – Energy Technology and Society

Basic principles of physics are applied to discuss forms of energy (mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical and nuclear), and how energy is derived from sources such as coal, petroleum, solar, nuclear fission and fusion. Environmental consequences of energy use are treated.

SCEN 119 – Transforming Solar Energy

Lab- and project- focused exploration of solar energy and its uses. Biology, chemistry and physics concepts are introduced in context, leading to critical analysis of efficiency and economics of different technologies.

UAPP 425 – Energy Policy and Administration

Analyzes energy use and energy policy with respect to politics, society, economics, political economy, technology, resources, and environment. Focuses on interrelationships among energy, environment, economy and equity (E4). It considers the energy policy options needed to achieve a more sustainable world.

Graduate Certificate in Composites Manufacturing & Engineering

Design rules for composite materials are fundamentally different than for traditional materials, with the engineer tailoring the material structure at the micro- and nano-scales to achieve the desired mechanical and physical properties. This program is intended to provide the practicing engineer a strong foundation in the processing-structure-property relations in advanced fiber composites. The University of Delaware’s Center for Composite Materials and Department of Mechanical Engineering are internationally recognized as leaders in composites research and education.

MEEG617 – Composite Materials, taught by Dr. Erik Thostenson, discusses fiber and matrix materials; fiber-matrix interface; polymer, metal, ceramic and carbon matrix composites; geometric aspects, elastic properties, lamination theory, strength of unidirectional composites, strength of laminates, durability, hybrid composites, flexible composites and textile structural composites.

MEEG655 – Principles of Composites Manufacturing (3 credits), taught by Dr. Suresh G. Advani, introduces the fundamental principles involved in composites manufacturing. Modeling of such processes is emphasized with applications of injection molding, compression molding, filament wiring, pultrusion and resin transfer molding.

MEEG656 – Practical Composites Manufacturing (3 credits).  Couples lectures with hands-on exercises using CCM’s Composites Design Software (CDS).  Detailed videos and lecture materials showing all aspects of composite manufacturing, from performing to final manufacturing and finishing, connect theory to practice.

MEEG657 – Experimental Characterization of Composites for Manufacturing (3 credits).  Explains key concepts and elements of composites manufacturing processes, technologies and systems. An online-only course where lectures are coupled with detailed videos of manufacturing processes and exercises with simulation software to connect theory to practice.  Creation of a “virtual laboratory” for composites characterization where thermoplastic and thermoset composite systems are fully characterized using advanced thermal analysis and mechanical/physical characterization techniques emphasizing manufacturing influences on composite properties.

Graduate Certificate in Wind Power Science Engineering and Policy

The Graduate Certificate in Wind Power Science Engineering and Policy is an interdisciplinary program administered by the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment.

Courses are taught by faculty from Marine Policy, Physical Ocean Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Geological Sciences, and Geography. The program is designed to give a broad understanding of the wind energy industry from multiple disciplinary perspectives. The emphasis is on offshore wind power, however, most courses apply equally to wind power either on land, in the ocean, or airborne. The certificate may be taken in conjunction with a graduate degree in a traditional discipline or as a stand-alone program. More information on the graduate certificate program can be found below and in the program brochure.

The Graduate Certificate is designed for three types of students:

  • Students considering or already accepted in a graduate UD program looking for formal recognition of their wind power expertise
  • For students focused on one specific area of wind power research it provides coverage of related areas allowing for improved understanding of interacting systems
  • Working professionals, who need to understand more about the wind industry, to more effectively do their jobs or seek advancement.

Renewable Energy Engineering and Policy Certificate

The REEP-CERT requires satisfactory completion of three (3) graduate level courses (9 credits) as detailed below. No REEP-CERT courses can be counted toward both this certificate and any other graduate certificate program. Each certificate program course must be completed with a grade no lower than B-; the overall GPA of the REEP-CERT courses must be no lower than 3.0.

The University of Delaware offers environmentally-related degree programs at all levels from baccalaureate through doctorate, with many options for majors, minors, concentrations and programs. Use the links below to explore specific degree programs and departmental offerings with an emphasis on sustainability and/or environmental themes.


Sustainable Energy Technology Minor

Energy and Environmental Policy Minor


Environmental Science – Energy and Environment Concentration (BS)

Energy and Environmental Policy – Energy, Science and Technology Concentration (BS)

Energy and Environmental Policy 4+1 (BS/MS)

Energy and Environmental Policy – Energy, Environment and Society Concentration (BS)

Energy and Environmental Policy – Energy, Economics and Public Policy Concentration (BS)


Center for Composite Materials

CCM educates engineers, conducts basic research, and provides prompt technology transfer for the composites community. Dedicated to advancing composites science and technology, the Center seeks to attract the best and brightest students and researchers in the field. Affiliated students earn degrees from all of the departments in the College of Engineering (chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical and materials science) as well as other university departments such as physics, business, and chemistry. More than 100 students are currently affiliated with CCM, and 2,000+ alumni are working in the various sectors of the composites industry, conducting research in government labs, or teaching at academic institutions throughout the world.

For over 40 years, CCM has collaborated with well over 250 international companies through consortium membership or contracts and grants. Collaborating companies include materials suppliers and end users in the aerospace, automotive, civil infrastructure, marine, and durable goods industries. In addition, during the past three decades, CCM has been home to six NSF/DoD Centers of Excellence.

Institute for Energy Conversion

The Institute of Energy Conversion is a research facility with a strong emphasis on graduate student training and education. Since 2010 we have provided training to over 40 PhD and Master level students. Students can conduct their research at IEC under the guidance of one or more Professional Staff members using unique equipment and facilities available at IEC supplemented by other facilities on campus. The IEC does not directly accept graduate students nor award degrees.

Masters in Energy and Environmental Policy

Ph.D. in Energy and Environmental Policy

Other Environmental Degree programs

Energy Research Internship (ERI) Program

Elementary school kids with backpacks smiling at the camera

Our internship programs are designed for chemical engineering and chemistry undergraduate students with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications open each fall. Positions are in the Vlachos Group in ISE Lab and include a competitive stipend.

Projects typically include: experimental catalysis, reaction engineering, and computational catalysis (applications of quantum chemistry and/or machine learning) focused on biomass conversion, renewables, plastics, process intensification and green engineering, and plasma catalysis.

Applications are now CLOSED. Opportunities for the next cycle are expected to open in mid-late November. An application link will be visible when we are accepting applications.

Energy Seminars

Listed below are energy-related seminars and programs that may be of interest. These events feature expert speakers and groundbreaking topics, offering valuable insights into the future of energy research, innovation, and sustainability.

Keep Closed

Jack A. Gerster Memorial Lecture
Role of Clean Hydrogen in India’s Energy Transition – Opportunities and Challenges
Ashish Lele, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory
Friday, April 25, 2025
9:00 AM | 102 CLB

College of Engineering – Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Engineering the Redox Chemistry of Life
Han Li, University of California, Irvine
Friday, April 18, 2025
9:00 AM | 102 CLB

College of Engineering – Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Scaleup in the Fast Lane: From idea to shipping 200 million pounds in under 8 years
Sean Hunt, Solugen, Inc.
Friday, April 11, 2025
9:00 AM | 102 CLB

Outreach Webinars Series on 21st Century Skills
Sponsored by: AIM, CPI, and IDeAS
Metacognition: The Key to Developing 21sy Century Thinking Skills
Saundra McGuire, Louisiana State University
Monday, March 24, 2025 | 4:00 – 5:00 PM

College of Engineering – Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Towards Circular Food Supply Chains: Integrated Design of Food Packaging and Waste Management Infrastructures
Styliani Avraamidou, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Friday, March 21, 2025
9:00 AM | 102 CLB

Center for Plastics Innovation
A Coupled Computational Fluid Dynamic/Population Balance Method to Understand Microstructure: From Foam Manufacturing to Polymer Upcycling
Rekha Rao, Ph.D., Sandia National Laboratories
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
1:45 PM | 106 CCM

Center for Plastics Innovation
Valorization and Regeneration of Cellulose Sources from Restaurant Food Waste
Symone Alexander, Auburn University
Friday, February 28, 2025
10:00 AM | 366 CLB

College of Engineering – Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Catalytic Dances of Molecules on Free Energy Surfaces: Developing Knowledge Framework Exploiting Excess Potential in C-O and C-H Bond Scission Catalysis
Ya-Huei (Cathy) Chin, University of Toronto
Friday, February 28, 2025
9:00 AM | 102 CLB

Delaware Energy Institute
Solar Energy Academy Professional Certificate Program
Steven Hegedus, Ph.D., University of Delaware
Cost: $250 per module (5th module free)
Tuesdays, February 11 – March 11, 2025
9:00AM – 12:00 PM | Online | Register

Delaware Energy Institute
From Plastics to Micro-Nanoplastics: Potential Environmental Health Implications
Philip Demokritou, Ph.D., Rutgers University
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
11:00 AM | 366 CLB | Zoom

Force Microscopy Workshop
Monday, January 27, 2025
10:00AM – 3:30PM | 140 and 141 BPI

CHARM / Center for Plastics Innovation
From Researcher to Leader: Leadership Skills Workshop
January 13, 2025
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | CCM 106 | Register

Delaware Energy Institute
Industrial Symbiosis: Leveraging Inter-firm Partnerships for Sustainable Development
Abheek Chatterjee, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park/NIST
January 8, 2025
12:30 PM | 467 ISE Lab | Zoom


Center for Composite Materials
AIM EFRC Webinar Series: Career Paths in Industrial R&D
Ryan Hahnlen, Ph.D., Honda Development & Manufacturing of America, LLC
December 16, 2024
4:00 – 5:00 PM | Virtual | Register

Center for Plastics Innovation
Chemical innovation through the lens of a “worker bee”: From small molecule synthesis to large scale manufacturing and the value of intellectual cross-pollination through polymer science
Kristoffer Stokes, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, Geisys Ventures
December 5, 2024
10:00 – 11:00 AM | CLB 366 | Register

Center for Clean Hydrogen
Lessons in Corporate R&D Funding of Electrochemical Projects
Prof. Cortney K. Mittelsteadt, University of Delaware
December 2, 2024
5:00 PM | Sharp Lab 123 | Zoom

Center for Composite Materials Distinguished Seminar
3D-Printing Under High Pressure
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Jens Schuster, Institute for Polymer Technology West-Palatinate
November 18, 2024
11:00 AM | 101 Academy St, Rm 106

Center for Clean Hydrogen
Everything Corky Does Not Know About PEM ELX
Prof. Cortney K. Mittelsteadt, University of Delaware
November 18, 2024
5:00 PM | Sharp Lab 123 | Zoom 

CBE/CPI Seminar
Atoms to Autos: Bridging Fundamental Science with Applied Engineering to Enable Sustainable Technologies Transforming the Mobility Industry
Dr. Srikanth Pilla, University of Delaware
November 15, 2024
10:00 AM | 102 Colburn Lab

2024 Foltyn Seminar
Plastics – Past and Present, but not the Future of Human Health
Leonardo Trasande, MD, MPP – Jim G. Hendrick, M.D. Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics and Professor, Department of Population Health – NYU
November 13, 2024
4:00 PM | Audion, Tower at STAR | Registration (required)

UD-CCM Seminar
Scaling Recyclable and Dynamic Thermosets: From Beaker to Wind blade and Beyond
Dr. Nicholas Rorrer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
November 12, 2024
11:00 AM | 101 Academy St, Rm 106

Delaware Energy Institute
Nanomaterials to the Chemical Industry: Catalysis for Energy and the Environment
Dr. Sinmyung Yoon, University of Delaware
September 27, 2024
1:00 PM | 467 ISE Lab

Heck Lecture
The Power of Organometallics: From catalysis to self-assembled monolayers to atomically precise nanoclusters
Cathleen Crudden Ph.D., Queen’s University
September 25, 2024
4:00 PM | 101 Brown Lab

Center for Plastics Innovation / CBE
New Tools for Catalysis at NIST-operated X-ray Beamlines
Evan Jahrman, Ph.D., NIST
September 20, 2024
10:00 AM | CLB 102 | Zoom

Center for Composite Materials Distinguished Seminar
Healing Vitrimer Composites: Molecular and Experimental Insights
Dr. Aniruddh Vashisth, University of Washington
September 13, 2024
9:00 AM | 106 CCM

Delaware Energy Institute
2024 Fall Symposium

September 11, 2024
3:00 – 6:00 PM | 301 Fintech
This event has been postponed.  

Delaware Energy Institute / Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
Machine-Learned Physical Properties for Molecular Design

Alexander Mitsos, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
May 8, 2024
9:00 AM | 467 ISE Lab | Zoom

RSC Desktop Seminars
AI-assisted Modeling for the Energy Transition; AI and Automation Enhanced Chemical Discovery and Development

Dion Vlachos, University of Delaware
Klavs Jensen, MIT
May 7, 2024
10:00 AM | Zoom

Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
Heterogenous Catalytic Technologies to Decarbonize Plastic Industry

Jungho Jae, Pusan National Laboratory
April 29, 2024
1:00 PM | 366 CLB

Center for Clean Hydrogen
The Growing Role of H2 in the Energy System and the Importance of Electrolysis

Bryan Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Lab – Golden, CO
April 25, 2024
1:30 PM | 106 CCM | ZOOM

Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
Reaction Engineering Short Course on Laboratory Reactors

Daniel A. Hickman, Jonathan Lym – Dow Chemical Company
April 17, 2024
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM | 366 CLB | Register

Materials Science and Engineering Seminar
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Characterization of Atomic Defects in Two Dimensional Semiconductors

Madisen Holbrook, Columbia University
April 17, 2024
10:00 AM | 322 ISE

Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
The Energy Transition for the Chemicals and Materials Industry

Daniel A. Hickman, Dow Chemical Company
April 16, 2024
2:30 PM | 322 ISE Lab

Materials Science and Engineering Seminar
What Single Molecule Reactivity Can Tell Us About Polymer Material Behavior (and how to change it)

Dr. Steven Craig, Duke University
April 10, 2024
10:00 AM | 322 ISE

CBE Seminar Series
Electrochemical Wastewater Refining: Using Reactive Separations to Convert Nitrogen Pollutants to Products

William Tarpeh, Stanford University
April 12, 2024
10:15 AM | 102 CLB | Zoom

Delaware Energy Institute
Electroactive Materials Across Decades of Length Scales: Optimal Pathways Through Data-Driven Design

Rachel Davidson, University of Delaware
April 5, 2024
10:00 AM | 366 Colburn Lab

Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
Tandem Electrocatalysis – Thermocatalysts for CO2 Conversion

Jingguang Chen, Columbia University
April 1, 2024
10:00 AM | 366 CLB

Center for Clean Hydrogen
Hydrogen Safety Considerations

Nick Barilo, Executive Director, Center for Hydrogen Safety
March 31, 2024
10:00 AM | ISE 381 | Zoom

Center for Catalytic Science and Technology
A Process Systems Framework for Design, Optimization, and Control of Modular Energy Systems

Fernando Lima, West Virginia University
March 14, 2024
2:30 PM | 322 ISE Lab | Zoom

George C. A. Schuit Memorial Lecture
Climate Change, Sustainability and Energy Transition; One Perspective from India

Ajit Sapre, Reliance Industries, INDIA, Group President R&D
March 1, 2024
10:15 AM | 102 CLB | ZOOM

Department Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Controlling the Local Reaction Environment to Drive Catalysis
Max J. Huelsey, MIT
February 29, 2024
9:00 AM | 366 Colburn Lab | ZOOM

Department Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Converting CO2, Water, and Sunlight into Liquid Fuels: Towards Affordable Solar Fuels and Chemicals
Aisulu Aitbekova, Cal Tech
February 26, 2024
9:00 AM | 104 Colburn Lab | ZOOM

Royal Society of Chemistry: Desktop Seminars
Polymers for Sustainability
Thomas H. Epps, III, University of Delaware
Emily Pentzer, Texas A&M University
February 22, 2024
10:00 AM | Register

Department Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Toward Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing: Electrochemical Upgrading of Small Molecules via Active Site and Microenvironment Tuning
Sunmoon Yu, MIT
February 19, 2024
9:00 AM | 104 Colburn Lab | ZOOM

MPS Distinguished Lecture in Honor of Black History Month
There and Back Again: An Inclusive Journey from Polymers to Small Molecules to Materials
Thomas H. Epps, III, University of Delaware
February 7, 2024
2:00 PM| Rm E3410 | ZOOM

Department Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Computational Investigation of Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion
Alexandra Zagalskaya, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
February 2, 2024
9:00 AM | 102 Colburn Lab | ZOOM

Center for Clean Hydrogen
Potential Dependence of Iridium Dissolution Using Time-Resolved Materials
Nancy N. Kariuki
February 1, 2024
10:00 AM | ISE 381 and ZOOM

Delaware Energy Institute – RAPID
Virtual Kinetics Lab Reaction Software Online Workshop
December 11 – December 15, 2023
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (daily) | Register for Zoom link

Center for Catalytic Science & Technology
Electrochemical Approaches to Decarbonizing Fuels and Chemicals
Haotian Wang, Rice University
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
2:00 PM | CLB 366 or Zoom

COE Inaugural Lecture Series
An Engineering Career in Three Figures
Dr. Eric Furst, William H. Severn Distinguished Chair of Chemical Engineering
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
4:00 PM | 501 FinTech Innovation Hub
Please register for this event

Department of Materials Science & Engineering and the Center for Hybrid, Active, and Responsive Materials
Coupling a Molecular Understanding to the Solution Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Emil Hernandez-Pagan, University of Delaware
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
10:30 AM | ISE 322

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Toward the Efficient Operation of an Electrified Chemical Industry
Qi Zhang, University of Minnesota
Friday, December 1, 2023
10:00 AM | 102 Colburn Lab

Center for Clean Hydrogen
Analysis of PEM Membrane Electrodes Assemblies Impact on the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen
Thomas I. Valdez, Plug Power, Inc.
Thursday, December 16, 2023
10:00 AM | CLB 366 | Zoom

Center for Catalytic Science & Technology
Advanced Catalysts for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technologies
Gang Wu, University of Buffalo-SUNY
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
2:00 PM | CLB 366 or Zoom

College of Arts & Sciences – Inorganic Chemistry Seminar
Atomic-scale Insights into Electrocatalyst Structure and Function
Anthony Shoji Hall, Johns Hopkins University
Friday, November 10, 2023
4:00 PM | 219 BRL

Center for Plastics Innovation – Sustainability Seminar Series
Overcoming Barriers in Waste Plastic Conversion Using Heterogeneous Catalysts
Julie Rorrer, University of Washington- Seattle
Friday, November 10, 2023
11:00 AM | CLB 366 or Zoom

Delaware Energy Institute
Nanostructured Materials and their Applications in Catalysis
Selvam Parasuraman, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras
Thursday, June 29, 2023
4:00 PM | 467 ISE Lab

Delaware Energy Institute
Nanostructured Materials and their Applications in Catalysis
Selvam Parasuraman, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras
Thursday, June 29, 2023
4:00 PM | 467 ISE Lab

Delaware Energy Institute
Atomic Scale Microwave Selective Heating of Single Metal Cations in Zeolites
Fuminao Kishimoto, University of Toykyo
Monday, June 26, 2023
10:00 AM | 467 ISE Lab

Center for Plastics Innovation
New Catalysts for Polymerization and Depolymerization
Jeffery Byers, Boston College
Friday, May 12, 2023
1:00 PM CLB 104 | Zoom

ECE Distinguished Lecture Series
An Engineer’s Journey from Motor City to Capitol Hill
Tanya Das, Bipartisan Policy Center Senior Associate Director of Energy Innovation
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
3:30 PM in Mitchell Hall

CBE Seminar Series
Electrochemical Hydrogenation, Hydrogenolysis, and Dehydrogenation for Reductive & Oxidative Biomass Upgrading
Kyoung-Shin Choi, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Virtual: ZOOM

Allan P. Colburn Memorial Lecture
Innovating Energy Solutions in a Net-Zero Future
Michelle Calabrese, University of Minnesota
Friday, March 17, 2023
10:00 AM in 102 CLB
and via Zoom:

Dr. Nicholas Rorrer, Renewable Resources and Enabling Sciences Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Towards a Better Steel Replacement: Biomass Enabled Performance Advantages for Thermoset Applications
Wednesday March 14, 2023
10:00 AM in 366 CLB and Zoom

Dr. Chuck Zhang, Georgia Institute of Technology
Integrated Design and Scalable Manufacturing of Lightweight, Multifunctional Carbon Nanotube Buckypaper Nanocomposites
Wednesday March 1, 2023
9:00 AM in 106 CCM

Dr. Srikanth Pilla, ExxonMobil
Atoms to Auto
Monday, February 27, 2023
9:00 AM in 106 CCM

Robert L. Pigford Memorial Lecture
Charge-neutral Polymer Complexes as Battery Components
Rachel Segalman, University of California, Santa Barbara
Friday, February 24, 2023
10:00 AM in 102 CLB
and via Zoom:

Kurt Wohl Lecture Series
Separations and Hybrid Processes to Accelerate Decarbonization
David Sholl, Georgia Institute of Technology
Friday, February 17, 2023
10:00 AM in 102 CLB
and via Zoom:


Funding Opportunities

Elementary school kids with backpacks smiling at the camera

The Delaware Energy Institute curates and delivers energy-related funding opportunities weekly via email. Through this communication we aim to aid researchers, ensuring they are aware of grant opportunities relevant to their interests and encouraging them to submit research proposals. Note: Opportunities shared may be limited submissions. UD Researchers should contact the Research Office to determine if there is an active or upcoming internal process for any opportunity of interest.

If you would like to be added to our distribution list, please contact with your name, title, and email address.

K-12 Opportunities

Elementary school kids with backpacks smiling at the camera

Getting K-12 students excited about energy can be done by scheduling a tour of our facilities, including hands-on learning in a variety of energy related fields.

Contact us for more information on K-12 opportunities for students.