Integrating ELLs in the School and Classroom
The 2013 ELL Summer Institute (LING 499/699) will take place from June 17-21 & 24 at the University of Delaware’s extension facility in Dover, the Paradee Center (just off Route 1).* The course meets for 6 days (Monday-Friday plus the following Monday) from 8:30am-5:00pm. The instructor is Nigel Caplan, assistant professor at the UD English Language Institute. Invited speakers will lead some of the sessions.
The theme for this year’s institute is “Integrating ELLs in the School and Classroom.” Topics will include the process of second language acquisition, ESL program best practices, advocacy for ELLs, responding to errors, collaboration between ELL and content-area teachers, assessment and accommodations, the Common Core, and schoolwide approaches to multi-lingualism.
(* On Tuesday June 18, the course will meet at the Collette Education Center, near the Paradee Center.)
Download the tentative syllabus (updated 5/29/2013): LING 699 syllabus 2013
Required textbook: Elizabeth Coelho, Language and Learning in Multilingual Classrooms (published by Multilingual Matters) – $15 Kindle edition; $30 pbk, approximately. Available from Amazon, the UD Bookstore, and other retailers. The Kindle edition can be read on iPads, iPhones, Android devices, and PCs, as well as Kindles.
Other readings will be distributed via the course website.
Recommended book (just 99 cents!): Lesley Ito, Fifty Ways to Teach Young Learners: Tips for ESL/EFL Teachers (Wayzgoose Press, 2013; online only).
Download the ELL Institute Flyer 2013 (PDF)
LING 499/699 students must register through the University of Delaware Summer School. Registration opens April 1, 2013. You can use this paper form if you are a non-degree student.
Participants taking the Institute only for clock hours register using the Delaware Department of Education’s Professional Development Management System (PDMS), course number 1993.
Please contact us if you are not sure which type of enrollment to choose. You may earn UD credit and clock hours simultaneously.