Alumni List

Moreno Valley High School
Class of 1987

Class List

Below find a full listing of the class of 1987. Here “class” is defined as loosely as possible. Not all the students here graduated together in June 1987: some graduated early, some after summer school, and some upon passing the California equivalency examination. Some were with us for most of our time at MVHS, though perhaps not our final year.

General Remarks

  • Alumni are listed alphabetically by last name at time of graduation. Maiden names are in parentheses.
  • Clicking on a linked name will either send you to his/her Web page or bring up a window so you can send e-mail to that person. If you would like your e-mail address or Web page linked to this site, You may also send the addresses of classmates, but I will post their information only when I have their permission.
  • If you have an address or phone number for someone listed on this site, and I will pass it along to the person maintaining the list.
  • A (D) after a person’s name indicates that the person is deceased..

Sergio Acosta
Robert Adame
Jason Adams
Brandy Agee
Sergio Aguilera
Lori Aldaz
Agnes Alford
Nicole Ali
James Allen
Kami (Allen) Johs
Cynthia Alls
Hector Alvarez
Sarah (Anderson) Ryba
Tuie (Anderson) Morgan
Angela Andl
Kristina (Andren) West
Cynthia (Andrews) Henry
Alberto Arasa
Lisa (Arnold) McCorry
Robert Arthurton
Thomas Ashburn (D)
Jehad Atallah
Kimberly Atkinson (D)
Timothy Averill
James Bailey
Vickie (Ball) Hornbuckle
Kellie Barstow
Heike Baschab
James Bault
Michael Begley
Ryan Bennett
D. Keith Benton
Kim (Berg) Coleman
Vienna (Bergeron) Stewart
Kymberly (Bethel) Nugert
Timothy Bickham
Roberta Bienemann
Jennifer Bloom
Julie Bloom
Kristie (Blount) Riley
Marli Bolanos
Elizabeth Bolden
Lana (Booker) Williams
Lisa (Booker) Cyrus
Tonette Boone
Phyllis (Booth) Finnegan
Alan Borkowski
Steven Borst
Christopher Bottroff
Lenora Boysza
Barry Brace
Michael Bradley
Wendi Bratton
DeeAnn (Braun) Velzy
Scott Brenna  
Jennifer (Brewer) Garcia
Bryan Brice
Sean Bridgewater
Edward Brinkley
Antoinette Brister
Antonio Brister
D. Nicole Bromar
Robert Brough
Cleophas “Danny” Brown
Karie (Brown) Woodward
Lesli Brown
Nicholas Brown
Victoria “Vicki” Brown
Shannon Brynie
Deborah (Buchanan) Smith
Gerald Buchko
Moeun Bunthanom
Michael Bunuan 
Christine (Burge) Hughes
Richard Bushard
Matthew Butler
Curtis Butts
Kellie (Cagwin) James
Dennis Calvert
Deborah (Campos) Frey
Dean Cannon (D)
Ilene Carbullido
James Carney
David Carns
Jose Caro
Jacob Carre
Gabriela Carrillo
Christinia Carter
Trevor Carter
Christopher Caruso
Nello Carver
Gregory Castillo
Louis Castle
Genise (Cates) Cortes (D)
Caroline (Chacon) Sears
Gregory Chambers
Loretta Chandler
Tuau “Danny” Chien
Tammy (Christensen) Wons
Steven Chute
Sherri (Civik) Lambert
Amie Clark
Brian Clark
Eric Cline
Cynthia Clooney  
Jason Cole
Daniel Collins
Rodney Collins
Alfredo Colon
Christopher Condos 
Barbara (Conlee) Anderson
Cathy (Connelly) Marrone
Wilma (Constine) Witzel
Diana (Contreras) Velaco
Patricia Conway
Nicole (Cook) Lindemuth
Sandra (Cook) Mineo
Phyllis (Cooley) Lewis
Windee (Cornelison) Barnhill
Jorge Correa
Andre Cosme
Kandie Cote
Darren Cox
Richard Craig
Robert Crouch
Sheri (Cummings) Burger-Simms
Tim Cummings
John Dahl
Eydie Dannov (D)
Ruby Danz
Annie (Daraban) Thompson
Ethel Darden
Lara (Davis) Skutt  
Gary De Landro
Robert Dearth
Stephen Defort 
Wendie (Dehart) Richetti
Jose Delarosa
Michael Delos Santos
Dawn (Depierro) Robbins
Traci (Di Martino) Navarro
Lynn Diaz
Ana Diez
Michelle (Dix) Seefried 
Jodie Dixon
Kimiko (Doi) Mate 
Michael Dome
Ann Dominguez
Joseph Donohue
Tara (Doucette) Hayes
John Dougherty
Jennifer (Doyle) Clark
Kevin Doyle
Christopher Drake (D)
Samantha Drake
Leo Duarte
Mark Duarte
Theresa Dufalo
Denise Dunn
Elizabeth Duran
Kristy (Edmiston) Silguero
David A. Edwards
David W. Edwards (D)
Vickie Edwards  
Sheri (Eiler) Pittman
La Shon Elder
Kimberly Emerson
Brian Escobosa
Andre Estrada
Patrick Eugene
Karen (Evans) Gonzalez
Kraig Faloon
Wendy Felix
Michele Feltenberger
John Ferguson
Candace (Fernandez) Ledesma
Erick Fields
Tamara “Rae” (Fieszel) Pierce
Tamara Fischer
Michelle Fleming
Renae Fleming
Liana (Fletcher) Long
Denise (Flores) Schaper
James Flores
Juan Flores
Rachel (Flores) Hernandez
Robert Fontaine
Lisa Ford  
Stephen Ford
Jeanne (Fowler) Walsh
Henry Frye
Bobbi (Fuller) Glass
Yvette (Galindo) Caballero
Sara (Gallaway) Windham
Imelda Garcia
Dale Gardner
Donna Garvin
Marisa (Gil) Bell
Cathy (Giron) Duron
Jeanene Glaab
James Glass
Ivan Gobea
Kika Goncalves
Brenda (Gorne) McRae
Steven Goryan
Marie (Gotchy) James
Sarah Greenway
Adam Gregory 
Kevin Gresham
Robert Groves
Stanley Gryczko
Jannelle (Guerrero) Santos
Dalila Guillen
Esther Gutierrez
Alberto Gutierrez
George Gutierrez
Karen (Gutierrez) Ramirez
Michael Guzman
Dung (Ko) Haag
Claudia Haley
Alan Hall
Arthur Hall
Monique Hall
Timothy Hall
Robbie Haller
Gregory Hamer
John Hamilton
Holly Hamlin
Travis Hammer (D)
Hanalei Hanohano
James Hansen
Michelle Hanson
Steven Hanson
Chandra (Harper) Lopez
Anjanette Harris
Derek Harris
Dale Harrison
Carrie (Hartman) McDermott
Phillip Hartzell
Rick Harvey
Carolyn Hawkins
Regina (Heck) Sullivan
Lisa Hendricks
Marlene (Hernandez) Villa
Martha Hernandez
Juanelma Herring
Denese Hertel
LaTanya (Hicks) Green
Dennis Hilborn
Lolita (Hill) Gills
Gregory Hilton
Duane Hodge
Holly (Holbrook) Daniels/Aljamali
Rebecca Holloway
Kenneth Holman
Michelle Horn
Aletha Houser
Darin Howard
Francine Howe
Terrence Howlett
Steven Howser
Suzan “Shelly” (Hubbard) Weaver 
Martin Huerta
Dana (Hunter) Stellato
Sam Hynds
Betty (Ignacio) Fisher
Paul Interrante
Alex Jackson
Kathryn (Jarvis) Rock-Polich
Misty (Jeffries) Murray
Steven Jenkins
Donald Johansen “Ben Webb”
Chandra (Johnson) Duff
Denise Johnson
Jill Johnson
Casey Jones
Ceon Jones
Jeffery Jones
Kelly (Jones) Tohm
Pamela Jones
Thomas Jones
Christa Juillet
Aya Kato
Robert Keck
Ai Keosy
Jeffery Kesterson
Chieng Khamphouang
Tommy Kim
Brett Kimberly
Kristine (King) Smith
Richard Kirk
Marjorie Klein
Paul Knox
Donna (Koehler) Marier
Shawn Kraft
Andrea Kramer
Lisa Kreft
Tanya Kresta
Erik Kruger
Brian Krusic
Jeffrey Kubel
Donna Kye
Arlene (Laguana) Stiles
Lori Laird
Angela (Lakin) Albert (D)
Jennifer (Laliberte) Richardson
Sandra Lanzel
Brandon Lay
Teri (Lay) Dawson
Gary LeClair
Jami (Lee) Garrett
Sylvia (Lee) Stoll
Marvin Lefridge (D)
Deanna Leisge
Darren Lettieri
Alexis Licari
Brenda Likes
Vicki (Limoges) Nicklaus
Toni Linaker
Andrea (Llewellyn) Lawson 
Joseph Lopez
Paul Lopez
Julian Lozano
Patty (Lucas) Hammond
Brian Lucero
Richard Lucero
Sandra (Lucero) Aldrete
David Luna
Jacqueline Luna
Huong Luu
Monica Macias
Ruben Macias
Stacia (Madsen) Shumway
Lisa Magyari
Cindy (Mah) Perez
Nicola (Main) Graham (D)
Melvalyn (Malanog) Stiner
Patricia Manley
Mark Marchigiani
Phuong (Martel) Hunter
Gregory Marth
Tanya (Martin) Jones
Franco Martinelli
Adriana (Martinez) Orloff
Enrique Martinez
Virginia (Martinez) Cole
Shelley (Mason) Snow
Naomi Matsueda
Kajuana Matthews
David Mattingly
Daniel Mazzanti
Sheri (McCabe) Espinosa
Wendy (McCamish) Brice 
Jonna (McClelland) Beenken
Shanon McCloskey
Michelle McCollum
Tammy McCray
Shannon McCroskey
Debretta McDonald
Denetta McDonald
Danielle (McGee) Lefridge
Michele McGrath
Raymond McMullen
Donna (McRae) Ratley
Martha Medellin
Darryl Meekhof
Teri (Melton) Wilkie
Meseret Mengesha
Barbara (Menke) Peninger
Dianna (Merrill) Crawford
De Shone (Miles) Rosa
Grady Miller
Sherri Moffett
Terence Montgomery
Monique Montibon 
Joseph Moody
Joella Moore
Sharee Moore
V. Scott Moore
Silvia Morelos
Gina Morgan
Michelle Morgan
Michael Morse
Kerry (Moyer) Cummins
Claire Murphy
Larissa Murphy
Tyronne Murphy
Paul Murray
Shakir Muwwakkil
Frankie Nauta
Persephone (Newberry) Caron
Rodney Newman
Misty (Nichols) Blondet
Vanessa (Nickell) Gorgano
Edward Nordsiek
Heidi (O’Brien) Eynon
Margaret O’Brien  
Michael O’Brien
Jill (O’Mahony) Murphy
Jennifer (Oaks) Pearson
Cara (Odell) Kuehner
Tracey Oldenburg
Richard Oliphant (D)
Carlos Ortega
Kari (Osborne) Miller
Stacy Osborne
Tracy Osborne
Makiko Otsuka
Shelli Ownes
Dorianne (Paculan) Rodriguez
Maria Padilla
Ronaldo Paiz
Kimberly Palmer
Steve Palomino
Jeannie Pangan
Gregory Panos
Christina Parker (Baeza)
Eddy Parker
Dina Parkhouse
Fredrick Parks
Christine Patchen (D)
Clarence Patton
Suzanne “Joey” Patton
Brian Peacock
Tricia (Pearson) Belles
Jannine Peck
Eric Pender (D)
Troy Percival
Berenice Perez
Paul Perez
Richard Perry
Dorothy (Peters) Herrera
Michelle (Peters) Spann (D)
Dorian Pew
Tung Phan
Raymond Phipps
Joseph Pichette
Matthew Pitman
John Pollard
Mary Poon
Dana Porter
Cheri (Powell) Borden
Laurie (Preston) Jimenez
Reanna Pride  
Mario Pruitt
Angelica Puga
Michael Pyle  
Jose Quintana
Kathryn Radley-Timberlake
Lillibel Ramirez
Robert Ramirez
Maria Ramos
Veronica (Ramos) Elizondo
Cherry (Ramsey) Borst
Gay Ramsey
Anna Rangel
Jennifer (Rayburn) Hunt
Kelly (Reed) Day
Gregory Reese
Carlos Reynoso
Kimberly Ribbentrop
Kelly (Riddle) Beckett
Rhonda (Riesing) Dixon
Lillian (Rivera) Suarez
Tanya (Roberts) Van Sickle
Jerry Robinson
Luis Robles
Steven Rocha
Carolina (Rodriguez) Zachary
Coleen Rodriguez
Pablo Rodriguez
Dawn (Rogers) Dunsmore
Isabel (Romero) Logsdon
Femi (Rosa) Conway
Tamera (Ross) Phipps
Kimu (Rounds) Wadsworth
Michael Roy
Nicole (Ruppert) Nootenboom
Francisco Salamero
Lourdes (Salazar) Rodriguez
Israel Samaniego
Jennifer Sanchez
Monica Sanchez
Dena Santos
Felix Santos
Carlos Savedra 
Edward “Derek” Schaper
Suzanne (Schilcher) Hansen
Maglisse Schuler
Frances Scott
Tameka (Scott) Tooson
Lisa (Sedwick) Yarger
Regina Sellers
Raul Serratos
Gina (Shaw) Smith  
Gregg Shay
Jennifer (Shimota) Krushas
Timothy Shine
Laura (Shouse) Madden
Tuan Shubbie
Jon Siepmann
Andre Silas
James Silvis  
Christopher Simon
Erica Simpson
Christopher Sims
Sonya Singh
Yvonne Sion
DeWayne Slaughter
Casey Smith
Laura Smith
Shenitha Smith
Stephanie (Smith) Hulsey
Tiffany (Smith) Adams
Marisa (Soliz) Brough
Michael Sparks
Gerald Spencer
Michele Spencer
Paul Spencer
Sedrick Spencer
Jamie (Stanfield) Martin  
Richard Stanton
Carol Stark
Julie Steinhoff
Dee Dee Stelton
Melissa Stetler  
Gerald Stinson
Tonya (Stivason) Jenkins
Craig Strovers (Wing)
Wesley Stuart
Suzanne Sturdivan
Stephanie (Suazo) Lopez 
Joseph Sullivan
Tamra (Sullivan) Dansie
Michelle (Sumi) Otis
Stacie (Summers) McKiernan
Elisabeth (Sutfin) Smith
Terri Tanji
Kimberly (Tapie) Wiklund
Cynthia Taylor (D)
David Taylor
Jocqueline Taylor
Noah Taylor
Pamela (Taylor) Cadagan
Samantha (Terberg) Nichols
Timothy Tesar
Crissie Tewell
Michael Teyechea
Demitra Thomas
Debra (Thompson) Jefferson
Jennifer (Tompkins) Smith
Matt Torrence
Mark Torres
Kipp Townsend
Huong Tran
Lisa (Tran) Arguelles
Donna (Tresville) Forehand
Sandra (Trimble) Berry
Shane Turner
Maria (Urias) Long
Alesia (Valdez) Amodio
Eric Valdez
Stephanie (Valdez) Mattei
Michael Valente 
Misty (Van Atta) Mendiola
Lori (Van Ness) Bates
Elizabeth Vasquez
Christopher Velasco
Laura (Ventimiglia) Berry
Juana (Villalpando) Bravo
Cynthia Waddell
Brian Wade
Dennison (Wahlin) Bradley-Ward
Anselina (Walden) Loiselle
Vikki (Walke) Jacobsen
Anthony Walker
Melissa Wallace
Jennifer Walrath
Darla Waltemeyer
Lisa (Washington) Butler
Tracy (Weiser) Carter
John Welch
Terry Wells
Sharon (Wendt) Comrie
Ronald West
Raymond Whitener
Lisa (Wilhoit) Powers
Annamarie Williams
Catonia Williams
Jay Williams
Nicholas Williams
Theodore Williams
Valissa Williams
Shanda (Wilson) Adkins
Craig Winchester 
Randy Winslow
Kathy Wisz (Dalton)
Adrian Woods
Daniel Woods 
Erika Woodward
Nick Yamaoka
Ricky Yamaoka
Maysee (Yang) Jacobs
Joanne (Yeutter) Lankford
Cynthia Youngquist
Tami Younker
Tricia (Zackowski) Turner

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