Although the University of Delaware offers a variety of Service Learning opportunities
to all students through the Community Engagement Initiative, there are notable health-oriented,
interprofessional service learning opportunities.  Below is a selection of these particular opportunities.


Lori’s Hands transforms students’ understanding of community health by matching them with individuals living with chronic illness in meaningful, helping relationships. Community members receive in-home support and, in turn, educate next-generation health leaders about the experience of living with chronic illness.


Kamp for Kids: Diabetes and You heralds a 16-year history in providing education, camaraderie, and support to children (ages 4-16) with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Begun as a small initiative with 16 campers, our numbers and scope have grown tremendously. The camp is the clinical component of a University of Delaware course entitled Teaching Wellness to Children. The nursing and nutrition students learn about the condition of diabetes and its treatment, then plan and implement the camp to learn even more about living with diabetes. This provides the real-world application of classroom concepts. The University students serve as camp counselors and provide a high counselor-to-Kamper ratio, increasing the quality and safety of the Kamp.


The Center for Health Profession Studies offers study abroad opportunities for students to learn about healthcare in other countries. Typically, during the three-week microsemester students shadow physicians for 75 hours. These experiences can help applicants to health profession schools distinguish themselves from other applicants by giving applicants a different perspective on healthcare in other countries. In addition, the study abroad opportunities can provide shadowing hours for students interested in applying to physician assistant programs