Investigating salt’s sinister side

$2.6 million grant supports study of salt’s effect on brain neurons, blood pressure So your blood pressure is nice and steady, 110 over 70 most of the time, and nobody’s telling you to put that salt shaker down or opt out of those sea-salt-slathered morsels on...

All-Star AT

Program director. Teacher. Administrator. Athletic trainer. Editor. Researcher. That isn’t a list of positions for an entire department; those are the roles performed by one person, the University of Delaware’s Tom Kaminski. The kinesiology and applied physiology...

Dark Rooms and Concussion Recovery asked our Thomas Buckley about dark rooms, concussion recovery and new findings. Read the full interview.

Tall visitors

The college partnered with its very athletic neighbors, the Delaware 87ers, for NBA D-League Fit Week. For one of the activities, players crossed the street to the STAR Health Sciences Complex for cardiovascular testing, motion analysis, nutrition counseling, and...

The newest addition to NYC restaurant menus to mark ‘salt bombs’

In its latest salvo in the battle against unhealthy eating, New York City is requiring larger restaurant chains to mark food items high in sodium with a warning salt shaker label. No one knows whether diners will take the hint and avoid super salty menu options, or...