The Fromen Lab

Our values:

  • A safe lab environment
  • New knowledge and scientific discovery
  • Open, honest, transparent, and clear communication with each other and the broader community
  • Accountability for diversity, equity, and inclusion 
  • A collaborative, supportive, and engaged community filled with comradery 
  • A work environment based on integrity, respect, and dedication
  • Lab members that are supportive, professional, passionate, and curious

Being a Fromen lab member means that we:

  • Take risks while being safe
  • Goof around and are inclusive 
  • Stay organized
  • Are willing to ask for help
  • Provide feedback and training 
  • Support and encourage each other 
  • Emphasize compassion and empathy
  • Have a strong work ethic 
  • Are committed to integrity and accessibility
  • Are professional and hold ourselves to high standards
  • Are curious in all pursuits and stay open to learning







Posters modified with permission from Sammy Katta

Along with these posters, we pledge

Our values statement was developed during a lab retreat in summer 2022 by all team members. After brainstorming together in two separate teams, we combined our values statements into this final format. We look forward to revising these annually as the group grows and takes on new challenges!