Spring 2023 is off to a busy start for the Fromen lab!
First, we have two accepted manuscripts to celebrate:
Congrats to PhD alumni Zach Stillman for his manuscript in Journal of Nanobiotechnology titled “Aluminum-Based Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles as Pulmonary Vaccine Adjuvants”! Check out the article here
Congrats to PhD alumni Bader Jarai for his manuscript in Drug Delivery and Translational Medicine titled ” Nanoparticle Pre-treatment for Enhancing the Survival and Activation of Pulmonary Macrophage Transplant Therapy”! Check out the article here
Next, we welcome our newest members to the group who started this January:
PhD students Jodi, Saiful, Spencer, and Eric as well as Postdoc fellow Aida Lopez-Ruiz, who completed her PhD at NJIT! Aida and Eric will be working on our NIIMBL T-cell project, Jodi will be working on macrophage ALI studies, and Spencer and Saiful will be focused on inhalable nanoparticle therapeutics.
Next, a huge congratulations to the lab on receiving an NSF CAREER award! This award mechanism is the NSF’s “most prestigious award in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization” and is a true honor recognizing the group’s groundbreaking research efforts! Our award titled “CAREER: Aerosol transport in well-defined periodic porous metamaterials ” will allow the group to expand our studies of how we can design lattices for a range of engineering applications. We are especially excited to use this to engineer a full-volume model of the lung!
You can read about the award from the abstract here.
And check out the UDaily feature here.