Congratulations to Bader for his recent publication in Adv Nanobiomed Res!!!! The paper is titled “Nanoparticle Internalization Promotes the Survival of Primary Macrophages” and you can check it out here: Congrats Bader on this really exciting piece of work, showing how nanoparticle uptake can influence the life-span of important immune cells!

Congrats & welcome to Emma Sudduth, who is completing her first CBI rotation with the Fromen lab this January! Great job Emma!

Finally, congrats to Emily Kolewe on her presentation at SCONA – Society for Computational Fluid Dynamics of the Nose & Airway – last month! Her talk was titled “Spatial deposition and larynx developmental analysis of 6 year-olds through
Computational Fluid Particle Dynamics”. Great job Emily!