The Fromen lab is enjoying a busy and productive summer as we enter into the “new normal”. A few congratulations are in order:

Congrats to Teresa Cruz on passing her Biology Comp Exam!

Congrats to Bader Jarai and Zach Stillman on their recent publication in J Mater Chem B: Hydrogel nanoparticle degradation influences the activation and survival of primary macrophages.  This work is part of a special Emerging Investigators issues from the journal. You can read the article here:

Also, we are excited to announce that the Fromen lab has been awarded an NIH NIGMS R35 MIRA award! The grant is titled “Multiscale considerations for immune engineering at mucosal interfaces” and provides the Fromen lab 2 million dollars over 5 years. The MIRA mechanism funds a the research program of a promising early stage investigator (ESI), with a goal of providing the team more flexibility to pursue new ideas and opportunities as they arise during the course of research because the award is not tied to specific aims. With this support, the Fromen lab will study ways to overcome challenges therapeutics face at mucosal interfaces in order to design better medicines (think inhalable vaccines). The project areas align with those of the Fromen lab: developing new models of mucosal transport and designing new mucosal medicines.

Congrats to Prof Fromen and the entire Fromen lab! 

Stay tuned for more excited updates from the Fromen lab and upcoming open positions!