Category: News
BiSA Seeking Bioinformatics Tutors
Become a Bioinformatics tutor today
Becoming a bioinformatics tutor is an excellent way to help fellow students in your program, to gain experience with teaching and to brush up on your course material! If you have passed one or more core courses in our program you are eligible. Visit for more information.
Click Here to apply to become a bioinformatics tutor! (Use your email)
Welcome 2018 Fall New BiSA members
Bioinformatics Certificate Student
Anthony lanozi Anders Kiledal
Nicole Haas Archana Singh
Lee Hsu Xiao Xu
Jialiu Liang
PSM Student
Matt Walt
MS Student
Hung-Che Chen
Kimberly Van Exel
PHD Student
Congyu Lu
Xinhan Qin
Michael Saint-Antoine
Menolin Sharma
New Officers for 2018-2019
Congratulations for the new BiSA officers for 2018-2019 the academic year!
President: Kelly Mulholland
Vice President: Juniper Lake
Treasurer: Priscilla Hempel
Secretary: Wenbo Zhao