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Minutes by Danielle

Location: DBI 201

Time: 2-3pm

1. BiSA officer nominations are in and Priscilla is emailing all of the nominees to ask if they accept the nomination. They should accept or decline by Monday at the latest and then the election will start.

2. We’re having another happy hour at Stone Balloon after the last seminar on May 14th.

3. We’re planning a BBQ at Kell’s Park on May 24th at about 3pm with all food provided, maybe a raffle, and kickball.

Minutes by Danielle

Location: DBI 201

Time: 2-3pm

Prelim Prep
Email professors of core classes about core competencies for prelims. CC Karen on the email for a little extra clout.
Make a BiSA gmail account for tutoring (, Bi0informatics)
Maintain a Google Sheet on tutor information & students’ use of tutoring services

Board members will act as point people to connect tutors and students
Still working on a rule list for how tutoring should work (this can be a locked Google Doc that can be shared will all tutors and students)
Share tutoring email with program professors and Karen so they can point students to us when they need help
Ice Skating
February 24th, 8pm-10pm
Other notes:

BiSA cannot be a registered student organization because that would preclude graduate students from serving on the board.
We should still discuss the co-working idea and journal club idea from the previous meeting.

Minutes by Danielle

Location: DBI 201

Time: 3-4pm

Future Academic Events:

Coding Support Center (weekly)
write some guidelines on how it will work
recruit people to act as tutors
choose time and place
Prelim Prep (start with one event, maybe more later)
contact professors to get list of core competencies (Liao, Schmitt, etc)
assemble list of materials for students
choose time and place
Journal Club (monthly)
choose an article to read
have a theme each month to keep it relevant to people
maybe recruit different moderators each month that would attract people?
choose time and place (coffee shops?)
Co-working Times (weekly or every other week?)
have places to meet up and work together
provide snacks and coffee maybe?
Future Social Events:

Happy hour with board games (Feb. 2nd, 5pm @ Grain)
Ice skating
Rock climbing
Danielle would like to (1) make the BiSA Facebook page public but require admins to approve all posts and new members because then I can share our events with CBCB and attract new members easier and (2) change the cover photo, even to something generic until we can get a better one, because it’s truly terrible. Let me know if I can do these things ASAP and that will help us get the word out better for our happy hour on Monday!

Author: Kelly
Location: DBI 201
Time: 2-3pm
Participants: Sansheng, Priscilla, Kelly, Dr. Hoober

Changes to Executive Board

Discussion of the roles of executive board
Kelly -> VP : Sansheng -> treasurer : Priscilla -> President
Opening for secretary
BiSA Calendar

Look into adding events/seminars/deadlines on the BiSA calendar
Meeting with the seminar presenters


thesis writing using Latex

Author: Kelly
Location: DBI 201
Time: 2-3pm
Participants: Priscilla, Sam, Sansheng, and Kelly

Event Planning

Host coffee break before seminar 3-3:30pm at DBI

Fall semester: biomix
Spring semester: latex workshop (find a professor from university)
Seminars from other departments

Each officer obtain a list of their department’s scheduled seminars for Fall 17
This will be used to disseminate amongst bioinformatics students to attend if interested
Make google calendar