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Date: December 10, 2018

Location : DBI first floor

Participants: Kelly, Juniper, Priscilla, Wenbo

Minutes by Wenbo


Discuss with Dr. Schmidt

Invite some people coming to our data  carpentry.


Sponsor funding provides 4000 dollar for the speakers and travel bill.


Invite students from Del state. We also will invite some other states student


Probable Date:

Maybe Friday, Saturday January

Probable place:


DBI meeting room


Take some picture about workshops.


We can send the flyer to other department advisors and biological department career fair.

Date: December 3, 2018

Location : DBI 102

Participants:Kelly, Priscilla, Juniper, Wenbo

Minutes by Wenbo


1.Alumni Spotlight


Connect four alumnus who graduate from our program, then edit our Spotlight Alumni websites


2.Carpentry workshop

Have a pre-meeting  with Dr Schmidt in next meeting.

Date: November 11, 2018

Location : DBI 102

Participants:Kelly, Priscilla, Wenbo

Minutes by Wenbo


  1. Data carpentry workshop

meeting with Dr. Schmidt in last final week. maybe, Dec 10, Monday.

Workshop holding date - maybe,  Friday after spring break

Workshop lesson - Introduction to Cloud Computing for Genomics

& Data Analysis and Visualization in R for Ecologists

  1. Movie night time- Dec. 3.


Date: November 5, 2018

Location : DBI 102

Participants:Juniper, Kelly Priscilla, Wenbo

Minutes by Wenbo


  1. Movie night will put off to the end of year, December 3rd.
  2. We need a cable to play the movie in movie night
  3. Make an appointment with Dr. Schmidt for workshop preparation.
  4. Discuss workshop preparation
  5. talk with July about making her alumni spotlight personal introduction

Date: October 29, 2018

Location : DBI 102

Participants:Juniper, Priscilla, Wenbo

Minutes by Wenbo


  1. Movie night will put off to the end of year, maybe December
    1. There are other events in November, we can have the movie night in December
    2. The movie is the fantastic beast and where find them, which most people would like it can see what happen when the second one performs in the middle of November.


  1. Workshop
    1. Invite the speaker for our workshop- kelly is working


  1. Alumni Spotlight
    1. We decide to use Erin Crowgey or Julie Cowart’s personal introduction as a sample to introduce our alumni.
    2. Make a new alumni information and alumni survey document.  - wenbo’s work
      Alumni survey is used to send to our alumni by email

      Alumni Spotlight is used to collect and revise our alumni information