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Officer Meeting – February 22, 2019

Minutes for February 22, 2019

by: Kelly Mulholland

Participants: Kelly Mulholland and Juniper Lake


Subject: Data Carpentry planning meeting with Dr. Schmidt

We are able choose between the data carpentry or software carpentry workshops. We will select the one that the most students will have interest in.

We need to book the workshop before Dr. Schmidt leaves (in the next two weeks). To do this we will need to finalize a date and book the DBI room. Food and other expenses can be made closer to the event.

BiSA students will put together a slideshow presentation to describe FAANG (Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes), how it originated and what it is (not necessarily as a tutorial). These slides will be sent to Dr. Schmidt for approval and a video will be produced. The video will be produced at UD and be about 10 minutes in length. In the video, slides, photos and animations can be displayed on a green screen.  Deadline will be end of the semester.


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