Crop Update Meeting

Mark your Calendar and call (302) 831-2506 to register by Friday May 24.

New Castle County’s Marl Pit Tailgate Session

What: DE Extension Twilight Tailgate Session

When:  Tuesday, June 4 2019

Where: UD Cooperative Extension Research Demonstration Area

¾ Mile east of Armstrong Corner, on Marl Pit Rd. – Road 429, Middletown

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Bring:  A tailgate or a lawn chair

Credits: Nutrient Management (1), Pesticide (1)

Join your fellow producers and the UD Extension team for a discussion of this year’s demonstration trials and current production issues.  Other topics will include nutrient management, pest management and weed management. This session will inform producers of timely topics observed and occurring in 2019.  An overview of ongoing research in New Castle and state-wide will also be included.

We will wrap up with the traditional ice cream treat.

The meeting is free and everyone interested in attending is welcome.  If you have special needs in accessing this program, please call the office two weeks in advance.

To register or request more information, please call our office at (302)831-2506.

Thank you and see you there.  Dan Severson

Welcome and Introductions 6:00-6:05

Dan Severson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Overview of Small Grains Variety Trials at Marl Pit 6:05-6:10

Victor Green, University of Delaware Extension

Weed and Cover Crop Update 6:10-6:30

Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Weed Specialist

2019 Insect Pest Outlook 6:30-6:50

David Owens, University of Delaware Extension Entomologist

Each year brings different pest management challenges. Issues from 2018 will be reviewed, and stakeholders advised what to be on the lookout for in 2019. Current projects include cover crops, slug management research, Dectes stem borer, and prophylactic insecticides.

Nutrient Management Update 6:50-7:10

Amy Shober, University of Delaware Extension Nutrient Management Specialist

Agronomy Update 7:10-7:30

Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware Extension Agronomy Specialist


Agronomic updates over the last year include cover crop impacts on cash crop stands, tissue tests for critical nutrients, and some research into planting populations for wheat.


Plant Pathology Update 7:30-7:50


Alyssa Koehler, University of Delaware Plant Pathologist Specialist


Discussion will cover common disease symptoms, growth stages most susceptible to

disease, fungicide application methods and associated costs, as well as in season scenarios that may affect fungicide decisions.


Conclusion and Evaluations 7:50-8:00

Dan Severson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension



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