Where & Why: Human Geography

Dr. Lindsay Naylor and Dr. Paul Jackson
Dr. Lindsay Naylor and Dr. Paul Jackson

For this week’s episode of Campus Voices, we talked with Paul Jackson and Lindsay Naylor, assistant professors, Geography, focusing on their work in urban geography and food geopolitics. Our discussion of “human geography” shows that geography is an interdisciplinary field of study that goes way beyond looking at maps: “Why things are the way they are because of where they are.”

Nathan Phillips (CEOE, 2017) one of our interns, helped interview Dr. Jackson and Dr. Naylor.

We also discussed urban geography, hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS)–both as a way of telling a story and as a career area in geography, “Ugly Vegetables,” and methods of reducing food waste in the US–40% of which ends up in a landfill.

Listen to the Interview

Paul Jackson and Lindsay Naylor, Recorded March 21, 2016. Debut April 21, 2016.
28.6 MB

About our guests

Paul Jackson is an assistant professor of Geography in the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment. His specialties include political ecology, environmental politics, historical geography, and urban geography.  He earned his BA and MES at York University, and went to University of Toronto for his PhD.

Lindsay Naylor is an Assistant Professor of Geography in the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment. Her specialties include human geography and the geopolitics of local and global food distribution and waste.  She earned her BA at Western Washington University, her MA at American University, and her PhD at the University of Oregon.

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