James Corbett: The Arctic and shipping

Prof. James Corbett, from his appearance in the film FREIGHTENED (2016).
Prof. James Corbett, from his appearance in the film FREIGHTENED (2016).
On this week’s episode of Campus Voices, host Richard Gordon was joined by Professor James Corbett, CEOE. In honor of Arctic Month, Corbett began by discussing environmental changes in the Arctic. He highlighted the economic and global consequences of the melting Arctic ice, especially in relation to shipping.

And that leads to the other main topic Corbett discussed with us. He talked about the overall effects of shipping on the environment and on the global economy. That shirt you bought last week in Newark, DE, could have been a three-continent product: Cotton from the US shipped to Africa to be made into fabric which could be shipped to Asia to be made into shirts which are then shipped to North America for sale. Corbett’s  research in regards to marine policy and shipping covers a wide-range of topics, important to him since his days at sea in the Merchant Marine.

Check out the interview below to find out more about Earth Month, Arctic Month, and Professor Corbett.

Listen to the Interview

Jim Corbett, College of Earth, Ocean, and the Environment. Recorded 4/18/16. Debut 4/28/16.

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