We were recently joined by UD English professors Ben Yagoda and Phil Mink, who sat down for a truly spirited discussion about the act and art of writing.
With their English expertise—in journalism and legal writing, respectively—Yagoda and Mink got down to the nitty-gritty details of grammar and composition. Among (or amongst) the many topics discussed were antiquated grammar rules; the concept of “skunked” words, such as “disinterested”; language as a vehicle for the law; and how, regardless of context, it is deeply uncool to use the term “email messages.” (Sorry Richard.)
We had a great time chatting with these guys, and as a bonus, the podcast contains ten extra minutes of material we couldn’t fit on air—listen below.
Additionally, for those who would like to learn more about different forms of writing, Yagoda just released a fascinating book about the evolution of popular songwriting. “The B Side: The Death of Tin Pan Alley and the Rebirth of the Great American Song” is available now.
The Interview
Phil Mink and Ben Yagoda, English
38.4 MB
Includes 10 minutes of conversation not heard on the air!