#VoicesofUDel – Defining Diversity

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You are not your sibling.  A man who is black cannot stand in for all black men.  Each individual is different.  Today on Campus Voices, we continued our participation in the #VoicesOfUDel campaign, this time inviting three guests to join our host in sharing their insights on what we can learn from acknowledging each individual’s unique experiences, and how we can begin moving forward from a knee-jerk aversion to diversity.

Melissa Gordon
Melissa Gordon

Melissa Gordon, Assistant Professor from the Human Development and Family Studies, examines the challenges of adjusting to and addressing societal expectations, as she moved from Jamaica to the United States.

Ivan Henderson, Curator of Education for the University Museums, shares his response to the

Ivan Henderson
Ivan Henderson

Ferguson shootings, the role of the museums and electronic communication to the discussion of social issues, and Delaware’s tenuous position as a historical border state.

Lydia Timmins
Lydia Timmins

Lydia Timmins, Assistant Professor,Communication, discusses her experience as a TV journalist, and the value and limits of media coverage for exposing acts of violence.

Other voices, students and staff alike, can be found on the #VoicesOfUDel YouTube page.

To see or add to the expanding discussion, check out the #VoicesOfUDel Twitter page!

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