Active Funding
Title: Identifying the optimal patient-specific dynamic ankle-foot orthosis bending stiffness in a manner that can be implemented by clinical providers
Principle Investigator: Arch
Funding Agency: DoD/CDMRP – Orthotics & Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP)
Funding Level: $350,000
Performance Period: 03/01/2023 – 02/28/2026
Title: Collaborative Research: Don’t forget the foot! Exposing foot energetics to enhance foot orthoses and gait rehabilitation
Principle Investigator: Arch
Funding Agency: NSF
Funding Level: $402,021
Performance Period: 02/15/2021 – 01/31/2024
Title: Objective Clinical Prescription of Passive-Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthoses to Optimize Patient Outcomes
Principle Investigator: Arch
Funding Agency: DoD – Orthotics & Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP)
Funding Level: $500,000
Performance Period: 08/15/2018 – 08/14/2023
Title: Evaluating the Influence of Novel Deformable Foot Orthoses on the Energetics of Walking
Principle Investigator: Arch
Funding Agency: University of Delaware Research Foundation
Funding Level: $35,000
Performance Period: 06/01/2018 – 05/31/2021
Title: Comparative Effect of Commercially Available Custom Dynamic Orthoses
Principal Investigator: Wilken (University of Iowa)
Funding Agency: DoD – Orthotics & Prosthetics Outcomes Research Program (OPORP)
Funding Level: $2.5M
Performance Period: 09/30/2018 – 9/29/2023
Completed Funding
“Development of an Ankle-Foot Orthosis with Integrated Functional Textiles” (PI: Arch), a sub-project of “Creating the fabric of functional garment research at UD”, funded by UNIDEL (PI: Higginson)
“Soft ankle foot orthosis using artificial muscle, DEAFO”, funded by QED – University Science Center (PI: Behboodi)
“Identifying Musculoskeletal System Interactions with Ankle-foot Orthoses to Ultimately Augment Solider Performance”, funded by the US Army Research Labs (PI: Arch)
“Evaluation of a Novel Paradigm to Personalize AFOs for Individuals Post-Stroke”, sub-project of the ACCEL: Delaware Clinical & Translational Research Program, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH U54 GM104941, PI: Stuart Binder-Macleod)
“Can Clinical Measures Predict Real-World Walking Performance in Adults with Transtibial Amputations?”, funded by the Orthotic and Prostehtic Education & Research Foundation (PIs: Arch and Sions)